From Transformers Wiki
This article is about the corrupt politician. For the wily old Autobot, seeXaaron. |
- Xeon is aNeutralfrom theDreamwave portionof theGeneration 1continuity family.
EmirateXeonis a Transformer politician who would make any extortionist proud. Living prior to the war, Xeon both enabled and instigated the uprising of theDecepticons.Megatronpaid him off to look the other way while holding his undergroundarena combat,his torture pits, and hisbrandingceremonies. In the end, Emirate Xeon got in over his head and lost it, literally.
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DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity
Emirate Xeon was a politician inKaonwho was continually paid off by Megatron's group to not report their underground activities.The War Within #3He showed up in person to collect his bribes fromStarscreamwhile the latter was having an argument withGrimlock.The War Within Preview
When the Decepticons were ready, Megatron had Xeon killed, and went so far as to claim the Emirate's death as the spur for starting theGreat War.His severed head was placed on Megatron's throne in the Cradle as a decoration. Or maybe anEnergon cookiejar, considering the wayRavagelooked at it.The War Within #2
Beast Wars: Uprising
Xeon was a former Decepticon and a member of theBuilder Assemblyduring theGrand Uprising.He voted to rescind General Order 66 and allow theVehiconsto march onIaconto save the Assembly from theResistance.Instead, the Vehicons turned on their masters and assimilated all but one Assemblybot, including Xeon.Derailment
- Xeon's skull on display is reminiscent of what happened toBludgeonin theMarvelGeneration 2comic.
- Likely, ifMegatron Originwould have been published byDreamwaveas originally planned, it would have featured Xeon instead ofRatbat.