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Zone Base

From Transformers Wiki

Zone Base is anAutobotinstallation from theZoneportion of theGeneration 1continuity family.

WhenEnergon Zwas developed on planetMicro,the world underwent a massive defensive upgrade and was re-christened "Zone". As part of this process, theZone Base(Z(ゾーン)ベースZōn Bēsu) was established as the primary headquarters for the AutobotMicromasterteams operating on the planet. Formed from numerous interlocking Micromaster Stations, the Zone Base acts a staging base from which the Autobots deploy to protect planets all throughout the galaxy.

The Zone Base is composed of:



Zonestory pages and comic

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Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers

  • Rocket Base(1990)
  • Microtransformer Stations(1990)
    • Airport Base
    • Build Base
    • Fire Base
    • Gasoline Base
The components of the Zone Base were sold separately, with their individual Micromaster partners (the Rocket Base, much larger than the other four stations, also included theRescue Patrol Team). Each station unfolds from a building into a battle station, which can connect up to the other stations (as well as any of the variousMicromaster Transports) via the universally-sized ramps included with all of them.
The Micromaster bases were released by Hasbro the previous year, under the names of their Micromaster partners, rather than the name of the station itself, as wasTakara's promotional preference. Notably, Glasspit, Overair, and their bases were released not as Autobots, but as Decepticons:Greasepitand hisgas station,andAirwaveand hisairport.
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