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- Blitzwave is aSharkticonfrom theEarthSparkcontinuity family.
Blitzwaveis a Sharkticon who packs a variety of weapons, including missile launchers and blasters on his wrists and jetpack. His primary reaction when meeting a new species is to wonder how they taste, in case you were wondering what ultimately happens to his foes.
- Voice actor:Nolan North(English),Mitsuo Iwata(Japanese),Arthur Pestel(French)
The Sharkticons' worldwas under the heel of oppressors whenMandroidfound it. After he liberated it, Blitzwave andRazor-Finjoined him as he returned toEarthand acted as his henchmen. Spying humans for the first time, Blitzwave wondered aloud how they tasted. When the Malto family attempted to flee, Mandroid sent the two Sharkticons after them, Blitzwave blasting trees down ahead of the escapees, allowing Razor-Fin to swoop in and swallowDotandAlex Malto.As they continued to chase their prey, Blitzwave shot atThrashandMountil Thrash handed his sister off toNightshadeand attacked the Sharkticon head-on. A missile from Blitzwave took three of the Maltobots out of the fight, and the two Sharkticons caught up with the remainder of the family. Mandroid interceded by shooting down Twitch and Nightshade and set the two Sharkticons on them, only for the brief fight to end with Blitzwave and Razor-Fin defeated. Mandroid responded by blasting the Maltos and tossing Robby and Mo into Razor-Fin's maw.
They accompanied Mandroid to thespacebridgewhere their Boss demonstrated how he had modified it into a weapon he could use to wipe outenergon-based life across the planet. They soon found themselves under attack by a multitude of illusionary Nightshades, leading to Blitzwave accidentally being punched out by Razor-Fin.The Last Hope, Part 1Once Mandroid had erected the spire holding the spacebridge, he tasked the two Sharkticons with protecting it until it was fully charged. They patrolled the area and attacked the Maltobots when they approached, leading to Nightshade,Hashtag,andJawbreakerfighting them to keep them busy while Twitch and Thrash went on. The trio were joined bySoundwave,Swindle,andHardtop,however the battle eventually ended when Mandroid activated his superweapon, deactivatingAutobot,Decepticon,and Sharkticon alike. They were revived a few minutes later when Robby and Mo used theircyber-sleevesto reverse the effects of Mandroid's weapon.The Last Hope, Part 2