From Transformers Wiki
Cobrais a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world! Led primarily byCobra Commanderand sometimes bySerpentor,they've had their ups and downs in their struggle against theG.I. Joeteam. They sometimes team up with orrebuildTransformers, primarily theDecepticons.
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Generation 1 cartoon continuity
The Transformerscartoon
By the year2006Old Snake,Cobra's one-time leader, was a homeless vagrant, selling the use of his organization'ssynthoidtechnology tosmall-time mobsters.
While nothing is stated outright, it appears that the threat of mighty Cobra is now but a memory.Only Human
Earlier, in2004,Garrison Kreiger,a former financial backer of Cobra and enemy of G.I. Joe'sSgt. Savage,served as a member of the nefariousConcurrence.
Among the other members of the Concurrence wasCount von Rani,who himself clashed with Sgt. Savage as Iron Klaw, but who otherwise has no known connection to Cobra.Expose All of Evil's Designs!
Wings Universe
Old Snake's encounter with the Autobots reignited his taste for domination. To that end, he reactivated an old Cobra project to amalgamate Earth's greatest military minds into the ultimate warrior, using the discarded body of aSweepto do so. Unfortunately, theEarth Defense Commandinterrupted him, and GeneralHawk's brain was accidentally scanned, resulting inSerpentor,a Decepticon with EDC sympathies.Serpent O.R.'sWings Universeprofile
Ask Vector Prime
In the blighted reality ofPrimax 1185.04 Alpha,Cobra conquered the world thanks to theM.A.S.S. Device.When the Transformers woke up in 1984, the Decepticons found themselves unable to plunder the world and the Autobots, while disgusted by Cobra's junta, did not think it their place to interfere and quietly abandoned the planet. Megatron eventually teamed up withSub-Atlanticabut that only led to Cobra invadingthem,Cobra Commander just happening to have made soldiers with gills; Sub-Atlantica surrendered Megatron to Cobra Commander as a peace offering.
Eventually, some real American heroes showed up fromPrimax 984.17 Alphato get up in Cobra's grill.Ask Vector Prime, 13/6/2015
Marvel Comics continuity
G.I. Joe and the Transformers
One way or another, Cobra made contact with SenatorBarbara Larkin.As part of an overly complicated scheme to save face, Larkin designed the unstablePower Station Alphawhich Cobra would then steal.Ashes, Ashes...
Even asCobra Commanderwas threatened by the upstartSerpentor,he sent theDreadnoksto steal Alpha only for the ineptitude to bungle things up, compounded by theAutobotsandDecepticonsinvolving themselves in things.Blood on the Tracks
In the battle, the Decepticons had used acerebro-shellto assume remote control of Alpha,Doctor Mindbenderhacking into it and bringing it toCobra Island.By the time it arrived, Serpentor had deposed Cobra Commander, with the Decepticons following the station.Shockwaveproposed that the two parties ally with one another, only for Mindbender to later overhear that Shockwave's modifications to Alpha would destroy the Earth.Power Struggle
Outmatched by the evil of the Decepticons, Cobra played along when ordered to attack theArkwhere they disabledDirgeas a show of good faith to the Autobots while theBaronessmet with Larkin. When the Decepticons prepared to destroy Earth, Cobra properly sealed their alliance with the Autobots when the Joes suddenly arrived,Ashes, join in hiding in theArk.Working together, all three factions managed to destroy Alpha. Cobra slipped away once Alpha blew up but their actions, along with those of the Joes, left the Autobots doubting if humans could ever be trusted....All Fall Down!
Operatives involved in this mission includedBaroness,Buzzer,Cobra Commander,Destro,Dr. Mindbender,Serpentor,Torch,Ripper,Zarana,andZartan.
Generation 2
In the midst of a scheme byCobra Commanderto bring new glory to his organization, the reconfigurableSilent Castlehe had seized fromDestrowas put into a state of constant metamorphosis. This caught the attention of a heavily damagedMegatron,who flew toTrans-Carpathiafrom Canada and was enraged to discover a non-sentient piece of architecture instead of another Transformer.Unfoldings!
This confrontation eventually led to an agreement between Megatron and Cobra whereby Megatron would receive a new, more powerful body (designed byDr. Sidney Biggles-Jones) in exchange for the technologies of the downed-but-functional AutobotArk.Realignments
Cobra helicopters led Megatron and the unearthed Ark from Canada to the Cobra-controlled town ofMilleville,New York, where its brainwashed denizens began to unload the spacecraft. Their operation was discovered by theG.I. Joeteam, who Megatron was vocally uninterested in battling.Goin' South
Not too long afterwards, a group of Autobots (Brawn,Chase,Hot Spot,Override,Skydive,andSteeljaw) arrived and battled Megatron in Milleville, causing considerable damage to Cobra's property holdings and destroying any vestiges of the town's use as a secret base.
As the situation continued to degrade, Cobra Commander ordered an evacuation of the town's assets and personnel from a position near the Ark. Megatron then arrived, and having captured Dr. Biggles-Jones, abruptly disregarded his previous agreement with Cobra Commander. He took the Ark for himself and blasted off, much to Cobra Commander's extreme annoyance.
In-transit, Megatron voiced that he had transferred a virus that had been implanted in his new body by Dr. Biggles-Jones to the Cybertronian technology in Cobra's possession, which would render it inoperable.Final Transformations
Operatives involved in this mission includedCobra Commander,Dice,Night Creeper Leader,Dr. Mindbender,Road Pig,Slice,andZarana.
Following Megatron's departure in theArk,a convoy of Cobra vehicles departedMilleville,safeguarding a transport containing the (unknowingly infected) Cybertronian technology they had acquired.
The convoy was assaulted by AutobotHot Spot,who feared the havoc that could be created by the alien technology in Cobra's hands. As Cobra soldiers prepared to retaliate against him, they were cut down bySnake-EyesandGeneral Hawk,which gave Hot Spot the opportunity to destroy the transport.
Surrounded and heavily damaged, Hot Spot destroyed himself rather than be captured and dissected by Cobra's technicians for knowledge.All or Nothing!
Operatives involved in this mission includedCobra Commander.
Transformers/G.I. Joe
In1938,Major Sebastian Bludd discoveredMegatronand hisDecepticonsin a shrine in theFera Islands.Soon Megatron allied himself with Bludd's master, Cobra Commander, and they joined forces to conquerEurope.Even the mightyMaginot Linecould not stop them as they rolled throughBerlin,Paris,andRomeand enslaving their inhabitants. Before long, the Decepticon/Cobra onslaught reachedGreat Britain.
However, treachery from Destro, the Baroness, andStarscreamled the newly formed G.I. Joe team to theirTerrordrome.The LineWhile engaging Cobra troops commanded by Storm Shadow, the Joes encountered theAutobots,who repaired and revived themselves. The Joes soon found themselves under fire from a squadron ofRattlersandSeekersled by Wild Weasel,Transformedbut they were driven back byLady Jayeand theAerialbots.
As this transpired, Megatron attempted to dispose of his insufficiently-efficient human partners, but was humbled by aMatrix-bearing Cobra Commander.
While the Cobra aircraft were driven off, they left behind paratroopers andRumble.Trial by FireThe Joes managed to defeat the troops, andBumblebeeandScarlettdestroyed Rumble, but Zartan managed to murder and replaceBreakerin the confusion. He was quickly discovered, but not before he allowedSoundwaveto captureFlint.
Storm Shadow left the main Cobra force to engage in a deadly duel with his sword-brotherSnake-Eyes,now a member of G.I. Joe. Despite the intervention ofRavage,Snake-Eyes defeated Storm Shadow, who was then eaten by a shark.
Soon, Cobra prepared to defend the town ofTorhavnagainst the approaching Autobots and Joes, using slaves as human shields.WolvesAnother Cobra air attack was foiled by Lady Jaye andSuperion,leading to the death of Wild Weasel, and Lady Jaye defeated Bludd and theDreadnoks.Meanwhile, a small Joe strikeforce infiltrated the Terrordrome, destroyingFrenzyin the process.
As the Joes, Autobots, and an Allied fleet neared,Shockwavedestroyed Superion and a number of ships, damaging himself severely in the process.TrenchesBut despite heavy losses, the Autobots soldiered on.
Destro and the Baroness took advantage of the chaos to unleash their monstrous creationBruticusupon both sides—but not before slaying their co-conspirator, Starscream. Bruticus' attack crippled Cobra Commander, allowing the Baroness to execute him with Megatron's pistol form. Her victory was short-lived—before the Commander's body could cool, she and Destro were arrested by Scarlett and Snake-Eyes. As the metal monster tore through the Autobots, Snake-Eyes took the Matrix from the Commander's corpse and destroyed it, killing the Autobots, Decepticons, and Bruticus and ending the threat of Cobra.The Iron Fist
Operatives involved in this mission includedBaroness,Buzzer,Cobra Commander,Destro,Dr. Mindbender,Major Bludd,Ripper,Storm Shadow,Torch,Wild Weasel,andZartan.
Some 45 years after the conquest of Europe, Cobra rose again. Under the command of Cobra Commander, Cobra established extensive operations in the United States. In1985,G.I. Joe attacked a Cobra shipping facility commanded by Destro. While the facility was largely destroyed, Destro and Scrap-Iron managed to escape viaTrouble Bubble.Soon afterwards, Cobra detected the crash of anAutobotshuttlecraft nearPortland.Their retrieval force was repelled by a team of G.I. Joe rookies.Targets of Opportunity
Operatives involved in this mission includedCobra Commander,Destro,Scrap-Iron,andSmith.
G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers
The fledgling terrorist organization Cobra discovered theArkand its Transformer crew instasis lock,and took them to their headquarters onCobra Island.With the help of mad scientist Dr. Mindbender and weapons dealer Destro, they turned most of the Transformers into remote-controlled war machines—with the exception ofMegatron,who was kept by Cobra Commander as a trophy, locked in pistol mode. They were smuggled intoWashington, D.C.using Cobra's front companyArbcoand used to strike at aUnited Nationssummit, causing mass panic.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #1
Despite problems reprogramming some units (especiallyOptimus Prime), Cobra launched an attack on theSPS Research Facility.While several of Cobra's Transformers were destroyed in the attack, thanks to the intervention of the newly formed G.I. Joe as well as two escaped Autobots,BumblebeeandWheeljack,Firefly managed to acquire the satellite technology and destroy the facility. Their success was short-lived, however, as Cobra's Transformers overrode their programmingen masseand rebelled against their masters.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #3Cobra Commander was forced to unleash Megatron to battle Optimus Prime as he attempted to flee. As Cobra troops were slain left and right, the Commander and several other officers managed to secureS.N.A.K.E.suits and fight their way through the vengeful mechanoids.
Meanwhile, Megatron andSoundwavehad taken control of Cobra headquarters and used the stolen satellite technology to begin producingenergoncubes.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #4The Autobots and Joes took the command centre and incapacitated Megatron, but were then alerted to an American nuclear missile headed straight for them.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #5Enlisting the help of Mindbender, the Joes managed to shoot the nuke down with the SPS, with the side-effect of the satellite showering the island with deadly heat-blasts. After the blasts incapacitated most of the Decepticons, Optimus Prime managed to shoot down the satellite and defeat Megatron. Destro, Mindbender, and the Baroness escaped, and Cobra Commander fled with the aid ofStarscream.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers #6
Operatives involved in this mission includedBaroness,Cobra Commander,Destro,Dr. Mindbender,Firefly,Major Bludd,Storm Shadow,andZartan.
Over the next two years, Cobra rebuilt itself. G.I. Joe continued to bedevil them, breaking up a weapons-smuggling ring and capturing the cyborgified Dreadnoks. Eventually, Cobra hatched a plan to gain access toTeletran 3,a computer that would give Cobra access toCybertron'sspace bridgenetwork, allowing for instantaneous troop and supply movements. G.I. Joe agentChucklesdiscovered the plan, and led the team to Cobra'sBostonheadquarters. As the Joes attacked, they disrupted the gate, first sending the Joes, Cobras, and Starscream to Cybertron, and then scattering a number of Transformers throughout time. The time disruption threatened to destroy Earth, forcing Cobra to team up with G.I. Joe to retrieve the missing mechanoids.
Zartan, Storm Shadow,Lady Jaye,andSnake-Eyeswere successful in retrievingJazz,Bumblebee,Hot Rod,andBlitzwingfrom the 1970s,G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #1and the Baroness,Percy,Roadblock,andBeachheadbarely managed to retrieveOptimus Primeand theStunticonsfrom 1930sChicago.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #2Meanwhile, Tomax, Xamot, Mindbender,Barbecue,andSpiritfound themselves in a nightmarish Decepticon-ruled future Earth. They were forced to takeRatchetback to the present against his will, andXamot was slain byShockwaveas soon as they returned to Cybertron. The Autobots were taken captive by Shockwave's Decepticons, the time gate was deactivated, and the Joes and Cobras were forced to flee.G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #3All seemed lost until Lady Jaye and Roadblock infiltrated the control center and reactivated the time gate, bringingDusty,Shipwreck,Gung-Ho,and a Viper back - along with the fearsomeDinobots.The Dinobots routed Shockwave's forces, giving Joes and Cobras a safe passage home.
Meanwhile, Dr. Mindbender, who had been left on Earth, was arrested, but soon found himself enlisted to harness the power ofUnicronby the Enigma tic forces ofCobra-La!G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers II #4
Operatives involved in this mission includedBaroness,Buzzer,Cobra Commander,Destro,Dr. Mindbender,Percy,Ripper,Storm Shadow,Tomax,Torch,Xamot,andZartan.
While attackingArea 52with the monstrousCobratron,Cobra Commander infiltrated the base and activated the deadlySerpent the hopes of controlling the powerful humanoid,The Art of War #1only to have him escape toCybertronThe Art of War #2and reunite the shattered Decepticon forces.The Art of War #3Cobra Commander managed to briefly take mental control of Serpent O.R., but was rendered catatonic when he was exposed to the energies of theMatrix of Leadership.The Art of War #5
Operatives involved in this mission includedBaroness,Cobra Commander,Doctor Knox,Zarana,andZartan.
By the arrival ofUnicron,a number of Cobra operatives had been captured byG.I. Joe,includingDarklon,Overlord,Tomax.TheBaroness,Destro,Doctor Mindbender,Firefly,Iron Klaw,andZartanremained at large.Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2
Transformers vs. G.I. Joe
Cobra was an ancient cult, founded around the worship ofKoh-Buru-Lah.Though Cobra would use technology over the years, the writings of their deity had led them to venerate the organic over the technological.Expelled from the GardenIn the closing days of the 20th century, Cobra Commander hiredDestroas the group's exclusive arms dealer.Stick To Your Guns
By the late 20th century, Cobra had begun a war with G.I. Joe. When the brawlingStarscreamandBumblebeeintervened in a battle between the two human groups, it ended with Cobra Commander being presumed death.The Golden BoysWith the Joes confident in their victory, they mopped up the grunts of Cobra unaware that the Serpentress, the rebranded Baroness was guiding Cobra behind the scenes. When the Decepticons arrived on Earth, Cobra secured an alliance with the invaders through their rescue ofLaserbeakandFrenzy.I Saw Three Ships
Allied as "DeceptiCobra", the group attacked theUSS Flaggonly to fall into a Joe trap. Given their failures, Destro teleported himself to Cybertron to speak to Megatron.Funeral for a FriendThe troopers later failed to stopDukefrom using theM.A.S.S. Device.Form Follows Function
Having been granted the services ofMini-Megatron,Destrotried to kill the comatose Cobra Commander only to discover that the Commander had slipped away and left a Fred in his place. Let loose on the world, the Commander freed those that his former subordinates had tossed to G.I. Joe.Everybody Hates MetroplexThough acting independently, both factions of Cobra launched an attack on theUnited Nations,the Commander's faction reinforced by Koh-Buru-Lah itself.Expelled from the Garden
At Megatron's order, Cybertron collided with Earth, seemingly destroying the organic planet.Pax MegatronusUnder the Serpentress' rule, Cobra reestablished themselves on Cybertron.Earth: R.I.P.Cobra Commander eventually made his way to the metallic planet and retook control of his organization. As the Decepticons fought the Autobot/Joe alliance, Cobra Commander bargained for ownership of the planetMarsfrom Megatron.Transformers vs. G.I. Joe #12
Though Cobra helped the Decepticons against their mutual foes, the chaos of the battle quickly made them irrelevant. After the Commander had been killed, Cobra retreated toVenusto await the birth of the prophesiedCobra Emperor.The War Never Ends
Knights of Unicron
The CobraTerrordromewas the fourth venue for theKnights of Unicronon their 2014 "Till All Are One" tour.Knights of Unicron
2005 IDW continuity
Cobra was a long-lived, dangerous secret society turned world conquerors. Their exact history is a mass of fiction and lies, but we're pretty sure Dante Aligieri (yeah,thatDante) was part of it.The Secret of the Mummy's TombThe U.S. military team G.I. Joe became aware of them around2009and the two groups fought a war that escalated to the point where Cobra nuked outNanzhao,an atrocity second only tothe Decepticon invasionin all of Earth history.Secret RaidersAt their height, they even managed to create a moonbase calledSection Sabinebut when the Joes cut off Cobra's access to it, everyone at Sabinedied slowlyas the Joes couldn't afford to retrieve them.Enter the Shadow
By the mid-2010s, underTomax Paoli's leadership, they attempted to publicly rebrand as 'peacekeepers'. This went tits up whenGalibiandSchletevawent to warCrisis Interventionand in their moment of maximum weakness, Duke,Big Ben,andIsaac Craftstruck hard and successfully cratered the organisation. (Snake-Eyes, spying within Cobra at the time, was forced to kill Craft to keep his cover)The Iron KlawWhen the Joes were reinstated as an international counter-alien force, Cobra remained in ruins.Revolution Humble Bundle trading cards
Unknown to the world and indeed most of the eventually reformed G.I. Joe, the Baroness had been captured and was locked up without trial by Scarlett.G.I. Joe vol. 5 #2Other former Cobra bigwigs remained at large: in 2017,Crystal Ballresurfaced in Inner Mongolia, radicalising local insurgents with the DreadnoksG.I. Joe vol. 5 #1,while Major Bludd was caught running around with theOktober GuardCrisis Interventionand totally-not-a-crim-guys Tomax Paoli took a job as CEO ofI.R.O.N.on behalf ofCount von Rani.The Secret of the Mummy's TombSection Sabine was taken over on the quiet byDoctor X.Enter the Shadow
To the surprise of the Joes, a brief check ofGreekanarchists found they were starting to use Cobra's insignia as a symbol of their movement.Gung-Hobelieved they were just trying to shock their elders but Scarlett duly interrogated Baroness for info; the terrorists claimed she knew nothing about any potential Cobra revival.G.I. Joe vol. 5 #2The "Cobranarchist" organisers turned out to beDire Wraithsand were violently put down.G.I. Joe vol. 5 #3G.I. Joe vol. 5 #4
Joe Coltonand Professor X tried to get Tomax to take the mantle of Cobra Commander to fight theRevolutionariesThe Secret of the Mummy's Tomband he was eventually forced to do so. It didn't work too well!Strange Visitors
Baronessshockinglyturned out to be lying about being unaware of the Cobra revival when the Cobranarchists and Dreadnoks freed her. A response by G.I. Joe stopped her from doing too much initial damage but she escaped to a newly constructed temple base, formally reviving Cobra withheras the new Cobra Commander!G.I. Joe vol. 5 #8G.I. Joe vol. 5 #9While also working for the new Cobra, Destro and Dr Mindbender were helping their old enemy Colton in hisanti-Transformer crusade.First StrikeDuring that plot, Cobra Commaroness took advantage of the distracted Joes and not only absorbedV.E.N.O.M.into her ranks, she initiated a plan to steal artifacts that could be used to open a portal toCobra-La.V.E.N.O.M. and their new combining robot were quickly sacrificed to pull the scheme offG.I. Joe: First StrikeM.A.S.K.: First Strikeand with the portal open, Cobranarchists could be sent through and turned into/replaced by snake monsters dubbedVipers.
Cobra goon Cesspool was taken in by the Joes and, fearing reprisals from the new Commander, snitched on the location of Cobra's new base: theNorth Pole,now partially melted and covered in dinosaurs!Scarlett's Strike Force #1
Beast Wars: Uprising
When the Transformers first made themselves known in1984,some people speculated that they were a new breed of Cobra weaponry. Concurrently, the bandDuran Duranpromised that their single "Union of the Snake" had absolutely nothing to do with Cobra.Cultural Appropriation
At some point in the late 20th/early 21st century, Cobra was defeated. The controversialOperation Staple Gunsaw 731 Cobra scientists, engineers, and technicians offered amnesty if they agreed to work for U.S. intelligence agencies in dealing with the increasingly violent and dangerous threat posed by the Transformers.The Inexorable March
Energon Universe
Titanium Series
- Megatron(6 "Cybertron Heroes, 2006)
- Accessories:Stand with nameplate
- The character bio for the 6 "Titanium SeriesMegatronmakes reference to him currently being controlled byCobra Commanderand hisMatrix.This makes him the first Hasbro product officially recognizing aTransformers/G.I. Joecrossover—unlikeSnow Cat,where there was no explicit reference.
G.I. Joe and the Transformers
- Starscream Skystriker with Cobra Commander(2011)
- Accessories:Megatron gun
- Anexclusiverelease forSan Diego Comic-Con2011, this set is the first of theG.I. Joe and the Transformersbox sets. The set includes a flight-suited Cobra Commander action figure along with with aredecoedSkystrikermeant to representStarscream.He can pilot Starscream and comes with a tiny gun-modeMegatronwhich he can wield.
- Shockwave H.I.S.S. Tank with two figures & Energon(2012)
- Accessories:Soundwave cassette deck, three "MiniCon Deployers", trolley, green rifle, suitcase of money, and energon cubes
- AnotherSan Diego Comic-Con2012 exclusive, this set includesDestro,a non-transformingShockwaveHISS tankvehicle and a Constructicon-themedBattle Android Trooper.
- The Epic Conclusion!(2013)
- Accessories:2 rifles, pistol, Ravage on chain leash
- Anexclusiverelease forSan Diego Comic-Con2013, this set includes Baroness accompanied by a (non-transforming)Ravageon a leash as well as a "samurai robot warrior" based onBludgeon.The set also includesG.I. JoememberSnake-Eyesas well as aretooledSkystrikerrepresentingJetfire,aVAMPpainted asHound,and aBlasterboombox with cassette pieces representingSteeljaw,Ramhorn,andEject.
- Although the inclusion of Ravage and the Baroness is an homage to theDevil's Dueminiseries,the overall theme of the box set (and its predecessors in 2011 and 2012) is based on theMarvelminiseries.
- Scarlet vs Zartan & Autobot Powerglide vs Soundwave(Box set, 2016)
- Accessories:display stand, pistol, shotgun, rifle, 2 swords, sheath, Snake-Eyes and Storm Shadow disguise heads, unmasked head, body armor, hood
- Exclusive to theHasbro Toy Shopbooth atSan Diego Comic-Con2016 and the Hasbro Toy Shop website, this set includesZartanand aSoundwaveHISS tank.
- This set also includes a redeco of a (non-transforming) CobraRattlervehicle colored asPowerglide,as well asScarlett.
Combiner Wars
- Decepticon Viper(Legends class, 2015)
- Part of wave 3 ofCombiner WarsLegends class, Viper is aretoolofPowerglide,transforming into a modified-for-legal-reasons approximation of anA-10 Thunderbolt II assault plane.He can also transform into a multi-barreled cannon that can be held by larger toys.
- Viper's deco is an overthomageto the CobraRattlerfromG.I. Joe,including two Cobra insignias (withintegratedDecepticoninsignia,no less), and the "ZØ6" marking of Rattler pilotWild Weasel's personal Rattler on his right wing. His new face is even styled after Wild Weasel's flight mask.
- His packaging identifies him as an adjunct toGalvatronus.
- The mold was redecoed to makeAdventureDogfight.
Transformers Collectors Club
- Old Snake with Advanced Stealth B.A.T. Duo(2015)
- Accessories:Pistol, backpack, 2 energon cubes, display stand, 2 Nightshriek drones.
- Released as an exclusive to both the Transformers and G.I. Joe Collectors Clubs, this set includesOld Snakeand two Advanced Stealth B.A.T.'s which transform into UAV drones. The drones include smallerNightshriekdrones which can attach to their robot mode chests.
- G.I. Joe featuring Ninja Force and Transformers(2016)
- Accessories:display stands, rifle, lab coat, belt, saber, Megatron gun, pistol
- Available through both theTransformers Collectors' Clubstore and the G.I. Joe Collectors' Club store, both of them operated byFun Publications,this set features Cobra Commander again andDr. Biggles-Jones.The set also includes the DecepticonsRatbat,Megatron,as well asNinja Force: Scarlett,and the AutobotsToaster,andThe Crusticons.
- Serpent O.R.(TFSS 3.0,2015)
- Accessories:"Strike" attack gun, heat ray
- The third figure in theFigure Subscription Service 3.0,Timelines"Serpent O. R." is aredecoofTakaraTomyGenerationsRatbat,himself apretoolof Deluxe ClassScourge.He transforms into a jet loosely based on theBoeing X-48blended wing body concept aircraft, and comes with two weapons that are both held via5 mm post,and can combine viaC joint.These weapons can store inside each of his cape halves/aircraft wings. Like many, many aircraft-based Transformers, Serpent O. R. possesses landing gear in hisalternate mode.There is a pair of flaps near the middle of his underside that can unfold to display six wheels, and underneath hisrobot modehead is a seventh landing gear wheel that can be flipped out.
- This toy was also retooled with yet another head asTimelinesBotCon 2014Devcon.The Ratbat tooling also served as the model for the non-toy2005 IDW continuityincarnation ofDeathcobrawhile the original tooling served as the model for theEx-Jet.
Enamel Pin Series
- GI Joe / Cobra Logos(November 3,2017)
- Rarity:2 in 20
- Released byKidrobotin theirblindboxedTransformers vs. G.I. JoeEnamel Pin Series, this is a flat, enamel pin badge of the Cobra insignia, packaged in with a similarG.I. Joepin in a release called "GI Joe / Cobra Logos"[sic].
Foreign names
- Japanese:Cobra Gundan(コブラ quân đoànKobura Gundan,"Cobra Army" )
- Mandarin:Yǎnjìngshé Bùduì( rắn hổ mang bộ đội, "Cobra Troop" )