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Particle blaster

From Transformers Wiki

Catgut particle blaster dw mtmte.jpg

Catgutdelights in the destruction of his enemies, so it's fortunate for him that he can combine with hisAction Master partnerTreadshot'spulse demagnetizerto form a fusion-poweredparticle blaster(with pulse demagnetizer attachment).



DreamwaveGeneration Onecontinuity

Treadshot's pulse demagnetizer rifle could connect to Catgut's particle blaster mode.Treadshot'sMore than Meets the EyeprofileRadwas armed with a particle blaster which fired silicate particles that eroded or destroyed its targets. It could combine with hisTargetmasterpartnerLionizer'satom-smasher riflemode to increase its power.Rad'sMore than Meets the EyeprofileGutcrunchercarried a double-barreledparticle blaster rifle.Gutcruncher'sMore than Meets the Eyeprofile


Events fromIDW PublishingorFun Publicationsbooks are in italics.

Blackoutwas armed with particle blasters that were fitted with mountedgalva-conductors.The AllSpark Almanac II


The Transformers

G1Treadshot toy.jpg
The TransformersCatgut(available only withTreadshot) could combine with Treadshot's pulse demagnetizer to form a particle blaster, as identified in hispackagingbioandinstructions(although see below).


  • Treadshot's instructions mixed up his pulse demagnetizer with anotherweaponthat was never available with any Action Master figure. Meanwhile,Soundwave's instructions mixed up hisphoton negatorwith Treadshot's pulse demagnetizer. As a result, several toy information websites and identification guides (including theGenerationsguidebook) depict Treadshot with Soundwave's photon negator, using Soundwave's instructions as reference.
  • Rad'sDreamwaveMore than Meets the Eyeprofile replaced histhermal mortar gunwith a particle blaster, presumably because the writers did not have access to his toy's instructions as reference.
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