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Sonic lance

From Transformers Wiki

Sonic lances are weapons from theMarvel portionof theGeneration 1 continuity family.
Sonic lance.jpg

Thesonic lanceis aDecepticoninvention that, if tuned properly, can play havoc withcerebro circuitry.


MarvelThe Transformerscomics

Sonic lances appeared exclusively in the UK portion of theMarvel Comics continuity.

A Decepticon team led bySoundwaveused the soniclanceto controlSludge,who had lost higher functions due to hiscybo-dendronsburning out. TheDinobotwas set loose onDoonstownand the sonic lance was stored in the cloakedArk shuttlecraftthat the Decepticons stole from a trio ofAutobots.In case it was discovered, the sonic lance was booby-trapped byScavengerto explode if it was turned off.

And discovered it was, byBumblebee,who used aportable energy traceto find the cloaked ship. He discovered the sonic lance and, knowing that the Decepticons would leave a nasty surprise, evacuated the Autobot hostages kept on the ship and shot the sonic lance, causing an explosion that engulfed the sonic lance and the ship.Dinobot Hunt!

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