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Stone Army

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TheStone Armyis a legion of stone warriors hidden away on an obscure planet.


2005 IDW continuity

Long ago, theDecepticonsTurmoilandDeadlockdiscovered the Stone Army after slaughtering the stone monks residing in the temple it was hidden in. Without the monks though, the army remained inert and the two Decepticons abandoned the army,Empire of Stone #3though they made a report of its existence. While their commanding officerGigatronshowed interest in this army of stone warriors,Megatronsaw no use for it. Years later, Gigatron, refusing to believethe warwas over, returned to the planet the Stone Army had been found on to absorb them into his forces but could not find them.Empire of Stone #2In truth, Gigatron's scheme had been usurped byHellbatwho conspired to turn the Stone Army, which he had found in days, into his personal killing force, augmenting their power with parts from dead Cybertronians. The Cybertronian components in their makeup allowed Hellbat an alternate means of activating his army.Empire of Stone #3

When Deadlock - now calling himself "Drift" - andRatchetcame to the planet, Gigatron requested his aid in finding the army only for Drift to refuse. Though imprisoned, the two Autobots quickly broke out and found the army, whereupon Hellbat arrivedEmpire of Stone #2and explained his evil plan. WhenGritinterfered, Hellbat activated the warriors. Unable to face so many, Drift led his allies back to Gigatron, who quickly destroyed the warriors that had followed them, and demanded an alliance.Empire of Stone #3

When the group charged the army's resting chamber, Hellbat activated a gigantic stone warrior to fight Gigatron. When Drift managed to reach and injure Hellbat, the deranged Decepticon ordered every stone warrior to kill Gigatron. Though Gigatron was quick to kill Hellbat, his blade also cut through the control mechanisms and started a chain reaction, bringing down the temple. Still following their last command, the stone warriors charged Gigatron, heedless of the temple's collapse or his swift destruction of their ranks.Empire of Stone #4

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