Unreleased Dreamwave issues
From Transformers Wiki
WhenDreamwave Productionsdeclared bankruptcy in 2005, several of their series were left hanging without any strong sense of closure. However, various sources have revealed small portions of what might have been, including solicitations sent to retailers before the bankruptcy. AtNew York Comic Con2009IDW Publishingrevealed that while they do have the artwork from the unfinished/unpublished issues, they will not complete and print the issues as there is significant doubt that the artists and writers were paid for their work during the tail end of Dreamwave's run on the brand.
Contents |
Despiteissue #30completing its current storyline,Energonstill had many unresolved plot points. Hasbro copywriterForest Leehas suggested that theCybertroncartooncan be considered a follow-up, though it does require some stretching.
In November 2010,Simon Furmanstarted to reveal the plot of the unreleased issues on his blog.[1]TFWiki has created articles for each of these unreleased issues based on these summaries; links, and the original solicitations for the issues, follow below.
Issue 31 — "Doomsday Redux!"
"REVELATIONS! Just who is (or rather, was)Alpha Quintesson,and what are his true plans forCybertron,EarthandUnicron?While seeming to serve the Chaos Bringer, the multi-faceted alien has been developing a world-shattering agenda of his own, one that bridges worlds and dimensions. Now, at last, Alpha Quintesson begins his ‘endgame’, and first in his sights is theMini-ConOver-Run!"
Issue 32 — "Armageddon Part 1"
"Demolished! The next — and final —Energonstory arc gets underway in earnest! It's the beginning of the end as Alpha Quintesson andCouncillor Avalon's quest for the mysteriousConduitcenters once more on the Autobots' human ally,Kicker.The all-new, upgradedDemolishoris on the case, and he’ll stop at nothing — literally — to get the job done. Get ready for Armageddon! "
Issue 33 — "Armageddon Part 2"
"INFERNO! What happens when four living Energon powerhouses tackle a being of pure Energon? It's the fighting-madOmnicons—Arcee,Signal Flare,StrongarmandSkyblast— versus the plainly madStarscream,and the result is an Energon inferno that threatens to consume Cybertron! Plus... the return ofUnicron's Four Horsemenand the shocking secret of the planetNervissa!"
Issue 34 — "Armageddon Part 3"
No solicitation.
Issue 35 — "Armageddon Part 4"
No solicitation.
Issue 36 — "Armageddon Part 5"
No solicitation.
Energon: More Than Meets The Eye
In keeping withArmada,a three-partMore Than Meets The Eyeseries ofEnergoncharacters was also planned. Much of the artwork and profiles were completed.Alex Milneproduced artwork for several character's profiles, which he ended up displaying and selling at conventions. These included Alpha Quintesson,[2]Alpha Trion,[3]Arcee,[4]Avalon,[5]Galvatron,[6]Levitacus,[7]and Mirage.[8]
Also tasked with doing art for the books wasGuido Guidiwho did the full three-part cover piece,[9]as well as character art for Barricade, [10]Blackout, [11]Blight, [12]Cyclonus, [13]Doomlock, [14]and Command Ravage. [15]Given the overlap between theArmadapackage artand theArmadaMore Than Meets The Eyeseries, it's probable that Guidi's package artwork for Bruticus Maximus[16]would've also made an appearance.
Issue 1
"It'sEnergon's turn to get theMTMTEtreatment! Dreamwave's mega-successful series of official Transformers guidebooks returns with enoughEnergonfacts, figures and profiles to put a smile on the face of any Trans-fananatic. You'll learn the secrets of Alpha Quintesson, discover the truth behind Kicker, and get even more info on Hot Shot, Jetfire, and dozens more! Brought to you byTransformers Energonseries writer Simon Furman and a plethora of your favorite TF artists. "
Issue 2
"Optimus Prime! Megatron! Omega Supreme! The heavy hitters are out in full force in book 2 of Dreamwave's official guide to
Transformers: Energon.You'll also get the goods on the powerful Energon Saber, the origin of the Omnicons, Unicron's Four
Horsemen, and more. Look for the third and final installment next month! "
War Within: The Age of Wrath
War Within: The Age of Wrathwould presumably have concluded with the defeat of theAerospace Extermination Squad,based on the events of later stories. Many of the major characters — including Grimlock, seemingly killed in issue #1 — appear in later stories as well and therefore must have survived.
Additionally, several pages of art work were published in theTransformersCon2005 Program (which had several ex-Dreamwave employees as special guests). The covers to the issues were also seen in solicitations to comic retailers.
Furman would later sell signed copies of the completed issue 4 script at some 2010 conventions, and TFWiki has createdan articlebased on it, and subsequently sold the completed issue 5 script and an outline of issue 6 in similar fashion at 2011 conventions, which TFWiki has also created articles for.
Issue 4
"ALONE! Stranded on a strange alien world, far, far from Cybertron, Turbomaster Flash is about to realize there really is no place like home... even when home is ruled by arch tyrant Megatron and his legions of clone warriors. The terrible truth behind the invasion and conquest of Cybertron is finally revealed. Now all Flash has to do is stay alive long enough to tell someone!"
- Cover:Flashstranded on an alien planet.
- Pages 1,2,3: Flash on an alien planet being attacked bySharkticons.Meanwhile, onCybertron,Perceptortalks with the otherTurbomasters.
- Page 4: Perceptor prepares to examine a captured clone warrior from the Aerospace Extermination Squadron.
Issue 5
"HE'S BACK! Optimus Prime, right? Well... maybe. But then again... maybe not! Blaster's desperate bid to free the enslaved Autobots lies in ruins, his and his entire team's lives are Megatron's to take at his will. But in their darkest hour, a hero returns to the fray, a force too powerful to be contained even by death's dark dominion. Prepare to be shocked senseless all over again!"
- Cover:Blasterheld at gunpoint byMegatron.
- Page 1: Shockwave's lab, with a studied Clone Trooper over a deactivatedShockwave.
- Page 2: Two deactivated clone troopers lying in a heavily damaged lab. Also, small, deadPiranaconslitter the floor amidst the shattered remains of the tank Megatron used to torture Starscream in. Starscream himself is lying there alive but in a great deal of pain, curled into a fetal position.
- Page 5: Blaster fights against Clone Troopers and Megatron, using sound attacks and hiselectro-scrambler.
Issue 6
"Last Stand! Finally... the battle you've been waiting for! Optimus Prime returns to take on his archenemy Megatron. But is Prime the 'bot he was? Scarred mentally and physically by his nightmarish exile, Prime plainly may not be up to the job! But if he can't beat Megatron and stop the rise of his second-generation clone army... who can?"
- Cover:Optimus PrimebattlingMegatron,asUltra Magnuswatches in the background.
Generation One
Several covers ofGeneration Onewere distributed to comic retailers in solicitations. Pages from the unreleased issue 11 were published in the fourth issue ofThe Comic Book Digestfrom Lamp Post Publications.[17]Additional pages leaked onto the internet revealed a great number ofExosuits.In all likelihood, these are connected toProject Centurionmentioned in "The Route of All Evil".
Chris SarraciniandGuido Guidiwere to take over from #12.[18]
Issue 11
"Because YOU demanded it: The return of the Dinobots! The hot-tempered cavalier Hot Rod finds himself in over his head when a mysterious group of Transformers-like warriors interferes with a standard transfer mission. What are these mysterious agents truly after, and what hope do Hot Rod and his team have of stopping them? Featuring the return of the fan-favorite Dinobots, the first-ever comic book debut of some of Generation One's most desirable characters, and much, much more!"[19]
- Cover: Several female robots, lookin' deadly asHot Rod's hand reaches up to them.
- Page 1: Hot Rod looking up at a deactivatedOptimus Primebeing held in a repair chamber.
- Page 2: Hot Rod passing byWheelieandGnawand looking out of a window.
- Page 3:Arceelooks out a window towards Cybertron shrinking in the distance, as she,Kup,Springer,and theDinobotstravel on their way to Cybertron's moon. They see aQuintessonship in orbit.
- Page 4: Hot Rod, Wheelie, and Gnaw see afemale robot,Elita One,teleport into the facility.
- Page 5: Hot Rod tries to shoot at her, but Elita throws a dagger that knocks the guns out of his hands. She challenges him to hand-to-hand combat. (At a Transformerscon 2005 guest panel, it was mentioned by the writers that the female robots were to be skilled martial artists.)
- Page 6: Hot Rod accepts the challenge, but Elita is more than a match for him. Gnaw urges Wheelie to stay back.
- Page 7: Elita One ducks a punch from Hot Rod and deactivates him before he can sound the alarm. She sends a communication back toQuintessa,where three other female robots are waiting.
- Page 8: The other three female robots teleport into the facility. Gnaw transforms to fight them off, butMoonracerand Elita One take him out with ease. Elita ordersChromiato take Hot Rod back through the portal.
- Page 9: Elita One, Moonracer, andFirestarproceed further into the facility until they discover Optimus Prime in his repair chamber.
- Page 10: Chromia brings Hot Rod through. Meanwhile, Wheelie leaps down from a hiding place in the ceiling, delivering a kick to the female robots and punching Moonracer while she's down. However, Elita knocks him to the floor with a kick of her own.[20]
- Page 11: Elita looms over Wheelie, ready to deliver the killing blow with her blade. But rescue is on its way: the Dinobots, disembarked from the shuttle, charging into action![21]
- Page 12: As Grimlock's shadow rounds the corner, Elita orders a retreat.[22]
Issue 12
"This is it: the return of the most popular Transformer of all time! Yes, the indomitable Optimus Prime is finally back, ready to chew Energon and kick bumper-and he's all outta Energon! But the question is: where is he? Find out in this thrill-packed anniversary issue, as the greatest Autobots leader ever faces off against the ravenous Sharkticons and their cruel masters, the Quintessons! Don't miss this special birthday issue, a perfect jumping-on point featuring Optimus Prime himself ushering in an all-new era of Transformers greatness. The countdown to 2005 begins now!"
- Cover: Optimus Prime holding the body ofElita Onein a manner reminiscent ofThe Uncanny X-Men#136[23]andCrisis On Infinite Earths#7.[24]There was also going to be a variant cover featuring a drawing of Optimus Prime byPat Lee.Ideally, the issue would have been released during December, which Dreamwave was calling their "Optimus Prime Month".
Issue 13
"2005 is here - and the battle for the universe begins! Created by the sinister Unicron, the lone Cyclonus has been dispatched to search the galaxy for the missing Alpha herald, Scourge. But when his mission leads him to a top-secret storage facility on Earth, will Cyclonus find the end of his quest or the business end of several high-caliber EDC-issued blasters? This initial arc -" Detection "kicks off the biggest, baddest Generation One storyline ever! Get in on the ground floor for a front-row seat to the beginning - of the apocalypse!"
Issue 14 - "The Enemy Within"
Although originally advertised with this solicitation...
"The humans fight back as the" Contact "arc continues! Recovering from Cyclonus’ violent assault on their facilities, the EDC tries to equalize the odds by activating its top secret defense plan—Project Centurion! Suspecting something sinister, Marissa begins to explore the real motives behind the EDC's newest operation. Fearing the worst, the recently revived Autobot leader Optimus Prime rallies his troops on both Earth and Cybertron for the dark future looming on the horizon."
...this plot was then bumped with intention of being replaced with a one-shot fill-in penned by Simon Furman centering onJetfireandThe Fallen.TFWiki has createdan articlefor Furman's story based on a summary posted to his blog in late 2010.
Generation One 2004 Datatracks Annual
This low-priced one-shot was to be written by James McDonough and Adam Patyk, with art by Joe Ng and Don Figueroa.
"As Generation One's 20th anniversary celebration comes to a close, Dreamwave pulls out all the stops to reveal the all-new 2004 Datatracks, which boasts an original short story featuring the one and only Optimus Prime fighting alongside his brother, Ultra Magnus! Not only that, but fans can also expect brand-new expanded MTMTE entries for the female Autobots, Sunstorm, and a few more surprises! This exciting one-shot annual is the perfect way to cap off" Optimus Prime Month, "while kicking 2005 into overdrive! This comic is priced to move at only $1.95 — so don't miss out!"
- Cover: Optimus Prime and an unarmoredUltra Magnusstand back to back, with images of Autobots, Decepticons, Quintessons and humans displayed behind them.
Rules of Extinction
Referenced in a footnote inissue #8of the Generation 1 ongoing, this story would have centered on theDinobots,apparently revealing how they came to Earth, were buried, and were then uncovered in the present day by Optimus Prime's Autobots. Exactlyhowit was supposed to be published is unknown, but it's speculated it was to be one of the stories included in the Datatracks Annual covered above.
Beast Wars
Although heavily advertised, no issues ofBeast Wars:Shell Gameever saw print. Scans found on the internet show it would have had strong similarities to theBeast Wars: The Gatheringby the same creative team, and Simon Furman's original #1 script[25]confirms that much of mini-series was recycled intoGathering.A key difference was that the TV cast were to be involved. In addition, thisBeast Warswould have tied in with the Ongoing G1 series.
The solicitation for #2 reveals there would be a flashback to "just after the end of theGreat Waron Cybertron... and witness the trial of Megatron! The verdict and judgment that follow set in motion a truly terrifying chain of events... ".[26]The cover showedBeast WarsMegatron on trial, so that's probably the Megatron they meant.
At Transformerscon 2004, Pat Lee also expressed an interest in possibly doing a complete series ofMore Than Meets The Eyeprofile books forBeast Wars,including all non-show characters. As you can imagine, this never happened, but again, was an ideaeventually implementedby IDW.
Transformers/G.I. Joe: Divided Front
Dreamwave's second crossover,Transformers/G.I. Joe: Divided Frontmanaged to have one issue released before the company folded. Adam Patyk and James McDonough were scheduled to write issues 2–5, while Chris Sarracini was slated to write issue 6. Pat Lee was to draw all of the remaining issues.
Issue 2
"The secrets of G.I. JOE and COBRA'S past are revealed as the greatest arms race in history intensifies, blazing a path across the world. Desperate for an equalizer, the JOES raid a top-secret COBRA bunker located in the Everglades. But when COBRA'S newly hired DREADNOK biker gang intervenes, will the JOES be too late to gain the advantage and-more importantly-save their Autobot allies?!
Issue 3
"FAN-FAVE FIREFLY DEBUTS! Snake Eyes is a hard ninja to kill...which is why COBRA Commander has called in one of his biggest guns to do the job: the assassin Firefly! What is the history behind this COBRA'S rivalry with Snake Eyes? And can the Joes' ninja overcome this deadly saboteur in time to help his teammates retrieve the stolen Transformer technology from COBRA'S secret Arctic base? It's chaos on the ice as the Autobots face off against Destro's deadly COBRA/Decepticon hybrid warriors, with Starscream waiting to pick up the pieces!"
- Cover:Ironhideunder attack from a pair of jets that look suspiciously likeDirgeandThrust,andSnake-Eyesfacing off againstFirefly.
Issue 4
"AUTOBOT vs. AUTOBOT! It's a robot riot as the new Cold War over the Transformers really starts to heat up! The G.I. Joes and their Autobot allies try to reconcile their opposing views and unite against COBRA...but can they? They're not the only ones whose tempers are flaring, as members of COBRA prepare to foil their increasingly deranged leader's top-secret project…if the mutineers can make it past Firefly and the elite Crimson Guard, that is!"
Issue 5
"What is the terrible secret buried beneath Cobra Island? Whatever it is, Starscream and Soundwave want it bad...bad enough to destroy Cobra Commander if he doesn't give it to them! Flint and the Autobots must prepare an all-out assault of the island themselves to prevent the villains' evil plans, but can the G.I. Joes count on Snake Eyes to help them...or will his vendetta against Firefly doom them all?"
- Cover:StarscreamandCobra Commanderstand over a fallen Shipwreck.
Issue 6
"COBRA's plans for domination are in full effect and, thanks to Destro, the Autobots and the Joes are now public enemy #1! Even so, will our heroes be able to thwart Destro's plans? Maybe...but you won't believe who going to help them out. The ultimate retro crossover is about to go out with a bang!"
- ↑"Energon Revisited"
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte- Alpha quinetssion.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte- Alpha trion.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte-arcee.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte-avalon.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte-galvatron.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte-leviticus.jpg
- ↑http://s65.photobucket /albums/h214/Scaleface/Energon%20MTMTE/?action=view¤t=mtmte-mirage.jpg
- ↑TF Energon Profile book COVERS- Guido Guidi's DeviantArt account
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-7-45248877
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-1-45248275
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-6-45248697
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-4-45248456
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-3-45248420
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Unpublished-TF-Energon-MTMTE-2-45248398
- ↑https:// deviantart /guidoguidi/art/Energon-Bruticus-Max-Boxart-128219434
- ↑http://lamppostpubs
- ↑http://seibertron /comics/view.php?comic_id=748
- ↑http://seibertron /comics/view.php?comic_id=746
- ↑"Unpublished DWTF G1#11 pg10 #Transformers #Elita1 #Wheelie #ComicArthttps://t.co/D5GJwSKEp1"—Don Figueroa, Twitter, 2022/09/09
- ↑"Unpublished DWTF G1#11 pg11 #Transformers #Dinobots #Grimlock #ComicArthttps://t.co/kl2gAyAnwV"—Don Figueroa, Twitter, 2022/09/09
- ↑"Unpublished DWTF G1#11 pg12 #Transformers #Elita1 #ComicArthttps://t.co/PHMQ9MKuYo"—Don Figueroa, Twitter, 2022/09/09
- ↑http:// comics.org/details.lasso?id=34632
- ↑http:// comics.org/details.lasso?id=40485
- ↑http://simonfurman.wordpress /2007/12/24/xmas-wrap/
- ↑http://seibertron /comics/view.php?comic_id=785