中华好声优吧 关注:210贴子:11,838
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我是紫月,一个长居海外的中国人,我把“大刀进行曲”用英语说给你听:大刀进行曲 中文英文对照文稿:大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去!Our swords raised over the devils' heads, hack them off!全国武装的弟兄们!The whole nation's armed brethren,抗战的一天来到了,抗战的一天来到了!The day of our defense has come! The day of our defense has come!前面有东北的义勇军,后面有全国的老百姓,In front, the northeast volunteers! In the rear, the populace of the entire nation!咱们中国军队勇敢前进!Our Chinese army, valiantly advancing!看准那敌人!把他消灭,把他消灭!See there! The Enemy! Destroy them! Destroy them!冲啊!大刀向鬼子们的头上砍去!杀!Charge! Our swords raised over the devils' heads, hack them off! Kill!我是紫月,刚刚把“大刀进行曲”用英语说给你听。我说,你听。

IP属地:上海1楼2022-03-04 09:22回复