俄罗斯吧 关注:289,609贴子:1,922,396
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IP属地:浙江来自Android客户端1楼2024-07-07 03:45回复
    yes, you deserved it. guess what, I've been to russia for many times, in the airport of moscow I always saw a lotta young women sitting there talking, laughing, and suddenly I found a sad girl, so sorrow, heart-broken, just like a fallen angel, or just like a big fat snow white. I came close to her, and I can tell she wore a fig perfume, which was a little bit exotic for me, I was scintillating and flirted her with some jokes. then, her heart was open for me. I took her to the hotel to get some nips. No sooner had the door closed than she jumped on my belly with legs folded. "fancy a ride?" she said, "l'm allergic to condom." I replied. then felt like my big John into her deep forest without umbrella, after several hours in-and-out, no bullets remained. she reluctantly let go of me. I was like being gutted. she wasn't sad any more. you see.... I'm just a doctor of love.

    IP属地:上海来自iPhone客户端2楼2024-07-07 17:11