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Long Wikipedia

Boracayem i wanpela ailan longFilipinsave bilong em ol nambis.[1]

Boracay bin long i gat ol long Ati na Tumandok manmeri.[2]

Bipo kolonisim

[senisim|edit source]

Boracay bin long i gat ol long Ati na Tumandok manmeri,[2]em save longSpenwok bilong kolonia olsem "Buracay." Ol mani kam long meme kamapim stap na rais wokim gaden stap.[3]

Turis bin statim long Boracay long 1970,[4]long save olsem "Paradise on Earth."[5]

Puka beach long Boracay, save turis ples na em save bilong ol nambis, naCrystal Kayak.[6]

Olsem bilong tude long save olsem long bikpela stap turis ples longFilipin.Long olsem toksave olsem etpela longCondé Nest Travelerlong 2021 long readers' choice.[7]

Ol referens

[senisim|edit source]
  1. The Visayas, Boracay.(en).LonelyPlanet.
  2. 2.02.1Ati and Tumandok tribe are the original inhabitants of Boracay island and were displaced in a 2.1-hectare walled community when the island was developed into a prime tourist destination in the early 2000..dav.gov.ph.
  3. The Philippine Islands, 1493–1803. Volume 05 of 55 (1582–1583) "Explorations by early navigators, descriptions of the islands and their peoples, their history and records of the catholic missions, as related in contemporaneous books and manuscripts, showing the political, economic, commercial and religious conditions of those islands from their earliest relations with European nations to the beginning of the nineteenth century.", p. 75. long Edward Gaylord BOURNE. Cleveland, Ohio: Arthur H. Clark Company, na Miguel de Loarca, Relacion de las Yslas Filipinas (Arevalo: June 1782) in BLAIR, nasi Emma Helen & ROBERTSON, James Alexander, eds. (1903). The Philippine Islands. As bilong ol atikel (English Wikipedia). Boracay.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boracay?wprov=sfla1
  4. Grele, Dominique; Lily Yousry-Jouve (2004).100 Resorts in the Philippines: Places with a Heart.Asiatype, Inc.. p. 225.ISBN 971-91719-7-9.
  5. Boracay a living paradise on Earth.(en).BoracayBeach Guide.
  6. Puka beach guide(en).BoracayCompass.
  7. Siargao, Palawan, Boracay win spot in Condé Nast awards(en).