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Pierre Boulez

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Pierre Boulez (2004)
Pierre Boulez (1968)

Pierre Boulez(26 Mart 1925, MontbrisonLoire– 5 Ocak 2016,Baden-Baden),Fransızbesteci,koro şefi,yazar ve piyanist.

Boulez 26 Mart 1925'teMontbrison, Loire,Fransa'da dünyaya geldi.Katolikolarak yetiştirildi ancak sonradanateistoldu.[1]Çocukluğunda piyano dersleri ve matematik dersleri almaya başladı. Daha sonraLyon'da müzik eğitimine devam etti. ArdındanParis Konservatuvarı'ndaOlivier MessiaenveAndrée Vaurabourg'un gözetiminde müzik kariyerine devam etti.[2]

Seçilmiş eserleri

[değiştir|kaynağı değiştir]
  • Anon. 2008. "Pierre Boulez—Every Composer Chooses His Fathers". InTalking to Kinky and Karlheinz—170 Musicians Get Vocal on the Music Show,edited by Anni Heino, 254–62. Sydney: ABC Books.ISBN 978-0-7333-2008-8.
  • Barulich, Frances. 1988. "Pierre Boulezby Dominique Jameux;Pierre Boulez und sein Werkby Theo Hirsbrunner;Pierre Boulez: A Symposiumedited by William Glock;Orientations: Collected Writings by Pierre Boulezedited and with an introduction by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and translated by Martin Cooper;Éclats/Boulezedited by Claude Samuel with the collaboration of Jacqueline Muller;Pierre Boulez: Eine Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag am 26. März 1985edited by Josef Häusler;Boulez in Bayreuth/Boulez à Bayreuth: Der Jahrhundert-Ring/The Centenary 'Ring'/Le 'Ring' du centenaire Histoire d'un 'Ring' Entretiens sur la 'Tétralogie du centenaire': Pierre Boulez, Jeffrey Tate, Jean-Jacques Nattiez"[book review].Notes2nd series, 45, no. 1 (September): 48–52.
  • Blaustein, Susan. 1989. "The Survival of Aesthetics: Books by Boulez, Delio, Rochberg".Perspectives of New Music27, no. 1 (Winter): 272–303.
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1971.Boulez on Music Today,translate by Susan Bradshaw and Richard Rodney Bennett. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-08006-8;London: Faber.ISBN 0-571-09420-1
  • Boulez, Pierre 1981.Orientations: Collected Writings,collected and edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, translated by Martin Cooper. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-64376-3.New edition, translated by Martin Cooper from the second French edition ofPoints de repère,London and Boston: Faber & Faber, 1986.ISBN 0-571-13811-X(cased);ISBN 0-571-13835-7(pbk).
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1986. "Sonate, que me veux-tu?" (1960). In hisOrientations: Collected Writings,translated by, 143–154. London:Faber and Faber.ISBN 0-571-14347-4.
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1991a. "Schoenberg is Dead" (1952). In hisStocktakings from an Apprenticeship,collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 209–14. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press.ISBN 0-19-311210-8
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1991b. "Possibly..." (1952). In hisStocktakings from an Apprenticeship,collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 111–40. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press.ISBN 0-19-311210-8
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1991c. "Alea" (1957). In hisStocktakings from an Apprenticeship,collected and presented by Paule Thévenin, translated by Stephen Walsh, with an introduction by Robert Piencikowski, 26–38. Oxford: Clarendon Press; New York:Oxford University Press.ISBN 0-19-311210-8
  • Boulez, Pierre. 1995.Points de repère. I: Imaginer,edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise, with the collaboration of Robert Piecikowski. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
  • Boulez, Pierre. 2005a.Points de repère. II: Regards sur autrui,edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez and Sophie Galaise. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
  • Boulez, Pierre. 2005b.Points de repère. III: Leçons de musique: Deux décennies d'enseignement au Collège de France,edited by Jean-Jacques Nattiez, preface by Jonathan Goldman, foreword by Michel Fouculta. Musique/passé/présent. Paris: Bourgois.
  • Boulez, Pierre, and Dan Albertson. 2007. "...'ouvert', encore...".Contemporary Music Review26, nos. 3–4 (June–August):.339–40.
  • Burnham, Scott G. "Beethoven, Ludwig van, §19: Posthumous influence and reception (iii) Political reception.",Grove Music Online,ed. L. Macy. (Subscription access).
  • Di Pietro, Rocco. 2001.Dialogues with Boulez.Lanham, Md.:The Scarecrow Press, Inc.ISBN 0-8108-3932-6
  • Ewen, David. 1971. "Pierre Boulez". In David Ewen,Composers of Tomorrow's Music: A Non-technical Introduction to the Musical Avant-garde Movement,78–93. New York: Dodd, Mead & Co.ISBN 0-396-06286-5
  • Griffiths, Paul.1973. "Two Pianos: Boulez,Structures,Book 2 ".The Musical Times114, no. 1562 (April): 390.
  • Griffiths, Paul. 1995.Modern Music and After: Directions Since 1945.London: Oxford University Press.ISBN 0-19-816578-1(cloth);ISBN 0-19-816511-0(pbk)
  • Harvey, Jonathan.1971. "A Clear View".Musical Times112, no. 1540 (June): 557.
  • Hayes, Malcolm. 1992. Review ofStocktakings from an Apprenticeshipby Pierre Boulez; Stephen Walsh.Temponew series, no. 180 (Mar. 1992): 29–30.
  • Heinemann, Stephen. 1993. "Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Boulez'sLe Marteau sans maître".DMA thesis. Seattle: University of Washington.
  • Heinemann, Stephen. 1998. "Pitch-Class Set Multiplication in Theory and Practice".Music Theory Spectrum20, no. 1 (Spring): 72–96.Abstract(accessed 17 June 2008)
  • Hopkins, G. W., and Paul Griffiths. 2006. "Pierre Boulez",Grove Music Onlineed. L. Macy. (Subscription access)
  • Humbertclaude Eric. 1999.La Transcription dans Boulez et Murail: de l'oreille à l'éveil,Paris: Harmattan.ISBN 2-7384-8042-X
  • Jameux, Dominique. 1991.Pierre Boulez,translated by Susan Bradshaw. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.ISBN 0-674-66740-9London: Faber.ISBN 0-571-13744-X.
  • Kimmelman, Michael. 2010. "Boulez's Gentler Roar11 Haziran 2015 tarihindeWayback Machinesitesindearşivlendi.".New York Times(6 January) (Accessed 22 January 2013).
  • Koblyakov, Lev. 1977. "P. BoulezLe marteau sans maître:Analysis of Pitch Structure ".Zeitschrift für Musiktheorie8, no. 1:24–39.
  • Koblyakov, Lev. 1981. "The World of Harmony of Pierre Boulez: Analysis of Le marteau sans maître". Ph.D. diss., Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • Koblyakov, Lev. 1990.Pierre Boulez: A World of Harmony27 Haziran 2014 tarihindeWayback Machinesitesindearşivlendi..Contemporary Music Studies 2. Chur, Switzerland, and New York: Harwood Academic Publishers.ISBN 3-7186-0422-1
  • Ligeti, György.1960. "Pierre Boulez: Decision and Automatism in Structure Ia."Die Reihe4 (Young Composers): 36–62. (Translated from the original German edition of 1958.)
  • McNamee, Ann K. 1992. "Are Boulez and Stockhausen Ready for the Mainstream? A Review".Musical Quarterly76, no. 2:283–91. |DOI:10.1093/mq/76.2.283
  • Mosch, Ulrich. 1997. "Wahrnehmungsweisen serieller Musik".Musiktheorie12:61–70.
  • Mosch, Ulrich. 2004.Musikalisches Hören serieller Musik: Untersuchungen am Beispiel von Pierre Boulez' Le Marteau sans maître.Saarbrücken: Pfau-Verlag.ISBN 3-89727-253-9
  • Obrist, Hans Ulrich, and Philippe Parreno. 2008. "An Interview with Pierre Boulez". InSound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture,edited by Paul D. Miller, a.k.a.DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid,361–74. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press.ISBN 978-0-262-63363-5
  • Olivier, Philippe. 2005.Pierre Boulez: Le maître et son marteau.Collection points d'orgue. Paris: Hermann, éditeurs des sciences et des arts.ISBN 2-7056-6531-5.
  • Orton, Richard, andHugh Davies.2001. "Ondes martenot".The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians,second edition, edited byStanley SadieandJohn Tyrrell.London: Macmillan Publishers.
  • Peyser, Joan.1976.Boulez: Composer, Conductor, Enigma.New York: Schirmer Books.ISBN 0-02-871700-7;London: Cassell.ISBN 0-304-29901-4
  • Peyser, Joan. 1999.To Boulez and Beyond: Music in Europe Since the Rite of Spring,with a preface byCharles Worinen.New York: Billboard Books.ISBN 0-8230-7875-2.Revised edition, Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press, 2008.ISBN 978-0-8108-5877-0
  • Steenhuisen, Paul. 2009. "Interview with Pierre Boulez". InSonic Mosaics: Conversations with Composers.Edmonton: University of Alberta Press.ISBN 978-0-88864-474-9
  • Südwestrundfunk.n.d. "Donaueschinger Musiktage: Programme seit 1921: Programm des Jahres 196124 Mayıs 2014 tarihindeWayback Machinesitesindearşivlendi.".SWR website (Accessed 26 May 2013).
  • Vermeil, Jean. 1996.Conversations with Boulez: Thoughts on Conducting.Translated by Camille Nash, with a selection of programs conducted by Boulez and a discography by Paul Griffiths. Portland, Oregon: Amadeus Press.ISBN 1-57467-007-7
  1. ^Joan Peyser (1976).Boulez: Composer, Conductor, Enigma.Schirmer Books. s. 7.ISBN978-0-02-871700-5.
  2. ^"Pierre Boulez: A Master With Class".Inspired Minds. 29 Kasım 2014 tarihindekaynağındanarşivlendi.Erişim tarihi: 18 Ağustos 2009.

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