Owner Financing & Note Investing Podcast with Dawn Rickabaugh-logo

Owner Financing & Note Investing Podcast with Dawn Rickabaugh

Business & Economics Podcasts

Specializing in seller financing, Dawn has been a real estate and note investor for over 20 years. She provides custom consulting, coaching and note appraisal services. Note Queen is where Property Meets Paper and Learns to Dance. Subscribe to have your eyes opened to the profound, yet simple ways that seller financed real estate (property) and notes (paper) can help you create powerful and profitable financial solutions, just one Mom 'n Pop to another. The easiest way to get started investing in notes is to carry paper on property you already own! You can turn cash into property, property into paper, and paper back into cash again. To receive invitations to the live show so you can get your own questions answered SIGN UP over at NoteQueen.


United States


Specializing in seller financing, Dawn has been a real estate and note investor for over 20 years. She provides custom consulting, coaching and note appraisal services. Note Queen is where Property Meets Paper and Learns to Dance. Subscribe to have your eyes opened to the profound, yet simple ways that seller financed real estate (property) and notes (paper) can help you create powerful and profitable financial solutions, just one Mom 'n Pop to another. The easiest way to get started investing in notes is to carry paper on property you already own! You can turn cash into property, property into paper, and paper back into cash again. To receive invitations to the live show so you can get your own questions answered SIGN UP over at NoteQueen.



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Make Better Seller Financing Offers with David Olds of EZREIclosings

Why not ask for zero down? I'm going to quit being so squeamish. My interview with David Olds contains a lot of great gems, and some great reminders of getting back to basics, slowing down, and talking just one Mom 'n Pop to another for success all around. EZ real estate closingsNoteQueen SellerFinancing.ServicesBoomer Real Estate Rescue: Double the Income You're Collecting in Rent


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Tracy Z is in the House! Talking Shop and Note Investing - Insider Note Business History Revealed

Tracy Z is a veteran of the note industry and she brings all her years of experience to talk about what she sees happening in the market, and how she helps others learn about the note business and get started investing in notes. We both love partials and wraps! It was fun for me to hear some of her history, as I came to the industry in the mid 90's, and she was a seasoned professional by then. I always wondered what happened to Metropolitan. They dominated back in the day, but had rolled up shop before I was actively participating in the note business. Thanks, Tracy! Great to rub shoulders with like-minded people in this space. I highly recommend anyone new to note investing check out what she has to offer over at http://noteinvestor My best Dawn http://notequeen


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What Could Real Estate Investor Seller Financing Svetlana Do to Get a Better Price for her Note?

Lots of great conversation made possible by Svetlana, who brought us her scenario. She moved across the country to fulfull her dream of investing in notes. That's some grit and determination, folks! When you offer seller financing, you can get much more for your property. Learn more over at NoteQueen or BoomerRealEstateRescue


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Should I Buy My First Note on PaperStac or Create My Own?

Positioning a portfolio for more cash flow before retirement kicks in. Looking at getting some property free and clear, and converting one or two into notes.


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Monarch Minute: Is It Time to Take Profits and Position Your Portfolio to Survive the Meltdown?

I am reminded of a story that Gordon Moss told me years ago... Derisking and being very conservative allowed him to sail through the great financial crash of 2008, whilst his counterparts lost everything during the blood bath. We don't know what's coming, so position accordingly. If real estate prices drop by 30%, or if rents go down while taxes and insurance keep going up would stress you out, it's time to consider taking some profits off the table. You may want to convert some of your real estate into notes and be the lender on your properties instead.


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Monarch Minute: Are You Ready for the Next Solar Flare?

Earlier this month we had a series of solar flares during a few days of high geomagnetic storms. If you haven't already prepared yourself to be out of power for up to a month, this is your wake up call. Can you feed your family, filter water for them, keep them warm and safe?


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It is Time to Take Profits and Convert Some Real Estate into Notes?

In this episode: 00:11 - Engaging, Connecting, and Learning About Seller Financing and Note Investing 03:05 - On the Agenda: 3 Deal Reviews LIVE on Property Paper Live 03:52 - How to Submit Questions LIVE on Property Paper Live 04:39 - $400,000 Seller-Financed Single Family Home Acquired for $151,585 09:32 - Seller-Financed Multifamily 5-Plex Investment with Only 5% Down 21:14 - Acquiring a $500,000 Single Family Rental Property with No Money Down 32:45 - Should You Acquire Real Estate or Lend Private Money Before or During a Recession? 41:38 - Preparing for the Unexpected: One of the Best Investments


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Seller Finance Your Property and Walk Away with All Cash Without a Discount

It is generally not possible, but in this episode, I will show you how I helped reverse engineer a proposed real estate transaction so that the seller, a rehabber, could accept an owner financing offer and walk away with the equivalent of a cash sale. In this episode: 1:21 Get a Free of my NEW eBook - Boomer Real Estate Rescue. 2:59 How to submit your questions LIVE on Property Paper Live. 4:05 How helping my borrower avoid foreclosure: Got me TWO NEW NOTES! 11:53 Would you buy this $110K note at 7% yield? 24:56 Borrower can't pay the balloon payment at the 2 year maturity date, PROS and CONS of foreclosing on the borrower? 28:30 How to create win-win note terms for all parties without leaving future yields on the table. 34:54 Can you increase your yield by increasing the sales price? 37:36 I’m selling a note, how can I net the spread and create passive income off of future payments? 46:03 LIVE Deal Review: PROS and CONS of Contract for Deed Deals. 53:55 Where to learn more Seller Financing and Notes.


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Landlords Can Double the Income They are Getting in Rent Thru Owner Financing

https://notequeen /blog/sick-of-being-a-landlord-double-your-rent-with-seller-financing/ In this episode: 03:06 - Unlocking Hassle-Free Income: Leveraging Property and Paper 05:46 - Dawn’s Go-To Financial Calculator for Note Investors 07:11 - Analyzing Cash Flow: Rent vs. Seller Financing 14:40 - Mitigating Risk: Optimal Seller Finance Terms and Down Payment Standards 16:51 - Maximizing Security: Cross-Collateralizing Loans 17:42 - Exploring Acquisition: Purchasing a Plumbing Business with Terms 21:36 - LIVE Transaction Review and Calculator Practice: Crafting Favorable Terms for Commercial Property Acquisition 30:32 - The Porter Family's Journey: Setting Up Success with Favorable Terms 38:47 - Strategic Advantage: "Right of First Refusal" in Seller Financing 41:27 - Ninja Note Strategies: Minimizing Capital Gains 52:09 - Continuing Education: Advancing in Seller Financing and Notes


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Instead of Making a Private Loan, Can you Buy at Half Price and Option Back?

Are there other ways to put deals together that get us around some of the dicey scenarios with real estate and the mortgage industry? We cover a lot of ground in this episode, but an interesting conversation came up about the idea of doing a lease option instead of making a loan. What do you think? In this episode: 01:12 - Invest in yourself. 01:59 - Stay connected to Dawn. 03:02 - Note Deal follow-up: Win-win solution? 04:46 - Foreclosure snag - On title with unwanted property! 09:35 - Disguised mortgage strategy concerns. 19:22 - Asset climate: Dicey? 24:51 - Lender vs. landlord debate. 25:30 - Banks recovering unloaned money. 27:33 - Are mom and pop investors safe carrying paper on their properties? 30:09 - Why isn't owner financing more common? 32:27 - Choosing a good servicing company. 38:55 - Avoid note investing pitfalls - Trust Deed vs. Mortgage states 40:50 - Judicial truncation for vacant properties? 41:41 - Illinois contract for deed - convert to owner financing? 51:35 - Closing reminders for seller financing.


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The Only Way to Guarantee the Loan Won't Get Called with Subject To Seller Financing

With higher mortgage interest rates, taking over bank loans written at 3% and 4% are all the rage. Everywhere you look investors are getting under contract with subject to seller financing terms, and they flip them to unsuspecting buyers for tens of thousands of dollars. What they fail to realize is that there is 1) a high chance of acceleration (triggering the 'due on sale'), 2) a high chance of getting sued down the road, and 3) a high chance of setting buyers up for financial loss and disappointment. There is only one way to leverage existing institutional financing 100% legally and in a way the guarantees that the loan won't get 'called' or accelerated. I interview Scott Moyes who has the only Title Holding Trust system I would ever use. As investors, let's get deals done, solve problems and make money without creating unnecesssary risk for all parties to the transaction. We need to equitably balance risk and reward, and make sure it's good for everyone now, and down the road.


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Preparing for Passive Income on the Blockchain

A new financial paradigm is being built as we speak and I want you to be ready for it. We normally talk about passive income via our property and paper (real estate and note investments), and there are equivalents in the crypto blockchain space. Did you know that Stanford just invested 7% of their endowment funds into Bitcoin? Things are changing, and changing fast.


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Getting to be the Hero - Note Investing at It's Best

Sometimes you get to waltz in and be the Knight in Shining Armor in this business. Sometimes you don't, so when it happens, it's always fun to celebrate:) In this episode:


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Root Out What's Keeping you from Success

Join me for an amazing exploration with long time real estate investor, Darlene Root, who now helps investors get past what's keeping them from the success they want, whether they want to break into note investing, or take their real estate business to the next level. Read the full transcript at: https://notequeen /blog/rooting-out-sabotage-getting-to-your-why-not/


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The Note Professor Tom Henderson Shares How He Got Started In The Note Business

I had a great time talking with Tom and I thought you might want to listen in. I highly suggest you try to attend his last live training in San Antonio, Texas starting on February 29th, 2024. Get your tickets here: https://papersourceseminars /. Tom is one of the last salt of the earth veterans of the industry still alive from those few from whom I inherited my values and note business culture. He's funny and oh so smart. The tips and tricks he'll show you will blow your mind!! It's an experience not to be missed!


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NPN Special - Investing in Non Performing Notes Convo with Sri Gandla

This Property & Paper LIve was focused on investing in institutional non-performing notes with my co-host, Sri Gandla. It's interesting to hear how he went from an IT professional for Fannie Mae, to buying notes full time. He's a smart guy and has put in a lot of effort to learning about and creating relationships. I learned a lot from him and you will too!! 03:06 - Special guest, Sri Gandla, shares how he got started with note investing? 06:23 - How institutions move paper on the secondary market versus owner carry paper. 11:31 - Palmdale, California Note Deal Review. 25:57 - Licensing requirements to be a debt collector. 30:50 - Overview of Statute of Limitations for Mortgages and Notes. 32:35 - Great resource for any note investment questions - https:// facebook /groups/NoteandRealestateInvesting/ 33:51 - 2024 Market Predictions, following the data. 41:23 - The evolution of note education. 43:48 - Deal Review: Statute of Limitations on a reverse mortgage??? 45:25 - How banks fail and can lose their assets? 49:22 - Carson City, Navada Note Deal Review. 58:19 - What is Dodd-Frank Compliance? 01:01:48 - How to get in touch with Sri Gandla? 01:02:14 - Free Resources from the Note Queen.


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Genetically Modified Note Babies and Front End Partials

In this Property & Paper Live episode, you'll hear questions about note investing, wraps, etc., and hear me calling for custom designer notes! If we manipulate the DNA of a note before it's 'born' (from a seller financed transaction), then we can make sure a note seller gets the best price possible. 00:15 - INTRO: Becoming better Real Estate Investors – spotting opportunities that most people aren't even looking for! 04:35 - Tips for investing in yourself first. 06:05 - Genetically Modified Note Babies?? 08:29 - Proactively identifying weak points in my portfolio 11:32 - It doesn’t matter what the banks are doing! 12:05 - Online updates and more ways to connect 13:00 - Quick thank you to all my LIVE attendees! 13:50 - Attendee Question - Will there be a down market in the next 2-3 years?? 18:00 - Staying out of trouble when doing 'Subject To ". There is only one way that is federally compliant and will guarantee that the note won't get called ('accelerated') and it involves the use of a Title Holding Trust with a corporate, non-profit Trustee. 20:12 - Attendee Question - What terms create a note that can sell a front end partial note? 26:13 - Note deal update with long time listener, Suellen.:) 32:42 - Can a title company insure a wrap around mortgage? 33:58 - One of the biggest challenges in the note space. 37:36 - Attendee Question - How do I get started in notes? 45:13 - Getting paid 3 different ways…(1) up front like a Wholesaler, (2) every month like a Lender and (3) a bonus at the end like a Note Queen! 47:53 - Difference between an Active Investors vs. Passive Investors. 50:36 - Attendee, Suellen shares diamond resources, benefits of obtaining GIA Certifications and book recommendations. 53:04 - More on wraps and safest ways to do 'Subject To' deals


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Affordable Home for Your Kid, Great Investment for You

In this episode, you'll get: Mark is our wonderful hot seat participant. He has many questions, but one thing on his mind is figuring out how can help his adult child get into a home, and simultaneously have a great investment for his retirement account. We also discuss the powerful concept of arbitrage.


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Land Notes - They're the Latest but are they The Greatest?

On this episode, Dawn will review a sample land note with a remaining balance of approximately $10,000, and guest, Chuck Trice was thinking of offering $5,000 representing a 40% return. But depending on the state, it could easily cost $5,000 to remedy a default, plus you have property taxes to keep on top of as well.


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March 2021 Deal Review and Q&A with Dawn (PART 1 - Virtual DeCaf MeetUp - March. 2021)

