Since its launch in January 2011, TVLine has had a singular, unwavering focus: to deliver a concentrated stream of breaking TV news, original previews and insightful recaps/reviews.
After all, let’s face it — there is a plethora of entertainment news sites out there. But not one of them boasts a staff that is dedicated to all things TV, without the distractions of celebrity gossip, box office reports or the like. As founded byEditor-in-Chief Michael Ausiello,TVLine is here to help TV enthusiasts cut through the clutter and be a household name in trusted content, so that you can easily and efficiently find the news and updates you crave – from breaking casting scoops to exclusive spoilers and deep-dives into your favorite shows.
As a result of our laser-like focus, TVLine has proven to be a news source for dozens of media outlets including Yahoo News, theNew York Times,CNN and more.
All of the above is a long-winded way of saying: Do your TV-loving self a favor and bookmark TVLine. We in turn promise to deliver exclusive news, fresh interviews, provocative viewpoints, exciting First Looks and so much more.
And it willallbe about TV.
TVLine Turns 5, and Jim Parsons, Lauren Graham,
Connie Britton and 51 Others Help Us Celebrate