//Georgia ranks in top 10 states most addicted with playing the lottery

Georgia ranks in top 10 states most addicted with playing the lottery

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IN OTHER NEWS – A new study ranks Georgia in the top 10 states where Americans are most addicted to playing the lottery.


  • A new study has revealed the states most obsessed with the lottery, based on regional lottery ticket sales adjusted for each state’s population.
  • Rhode Island is the most lottery-obsessed state, as the average resident spends $939 on lottery tickets annually.
  • Massachusetts residents spent the second highest on lottery tickets, averaging $877 annually.
  • North Dakota is the state spending the least on lottery tickets, with an average of just $50 spent per person on the lottery in 2023.

A new study has revealed the states where Americans are most addicted to playing the lottery.

The study, conducted by lottery news publicationLottery Geeks,utilized data from the 2023 Lottery Sales Report from the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries. Using data on each state’s lottery ticket sales and factoring in each state’s population, the study calculated the average resident’s spending on lottery tickets in 2023. Additionally, using data on each state’s total winnings, scaled to population size, the study identified the states where residents also made a notable amount from the lottery.

The study revealed thatRhode Islandis the state most addicted to the lottery, with residents spending an average of$939per person on the lottery in 2023. Additionally, between the state’s 1.1 million residents, over one billion dollars was spent in total on lottery games. This might seem excessive, but it clearly worked as Rhode Island also made the most money in lottery prizes, with residents receiving an average of $397 each in winnings.

In second place, the averageMassachusettsresident spent$877on lottery tickets in 2023, more than $16 per week. Clearly, locals have been feeling lucky over the past year, hoping to win big.

Third place goes toMaryland,which spent a total of $5.2 billion on lottery tickets in 2023. That gives them an average spend of$845per person, which resulted in average winnings of $243 each. Although the average person loses out, in 2021, a Maryland resident won over $731 million – a life-changing jackpot.

West Virginiaranked fourth, with locals spending an average of$812on the lottery in 2023. Impressively, for every dollar spent on lottery tickets in the state, 40 cents were returned as prizes, making West Virginia a state with one of the best payout ratios in the country.

Delawareresidents were the fifth biggest spenders on lottery tickets in 2023. With a population exceeding one million, residents collectively invested approximately $758 million in lottery tickets in 2023, translating to an average expenditure of$745per person. That means that Delawareans are budgeting $14.30 each week for the lottery.

States spending the most on the lottery:

RankStateTotal Lottery Sales in 2023Average lottery spending in 2023 per person
1Rhode Island$1,027,026,255$939
4West Virginia$1,441,012,707$812
6New York$10,544,770,000$536
10South Dakota$414,635,291$456

In sixth place,New Yorkersspent$536a year on the lottery, or $10.31 weekly. New York residents also make around $187 in prizes each year, the seventh highest in the country.

Georgiaresidents are the seventh biggest lottery spenders, having bought a total of $5.7 billion worth of lottery tickets in 2023. Between their nearly eleven million residents, that comes to$520per person per year.

Eighth place goes toOhio,where residents spend $9.52 weekly on lottery tickets, totaling an average of$495in 2023. However, Ohio residents don’t get the best deal as the state ranks thirteenth for prizes, with each resident receiving just $125 a year on average.

Michiganranked ninth with an average of$491per person in 2023. Michigan residents received $128 per person in prizes, the eleventh highest in the country.

Rounding out the top ten,South Dakotaresidents spent an average of$456on the lottery in 2023 and received an average of $200 in prizes per person.

On the other end of the scale, the study also revealed which states spend the least on lottery tickets.

Leading the ranking as the state least interested in the lottery,North Dakotaresidents showed a restrained approach to lottery ticket purchases with a conservative spending of just$50per person across 2023. Unfortunately, locals received an average of just $14 per person in prizes over 2023, indicating a low chance of winning big.

In second place,Wyomingfollows with a per capita spending of only$76a year, indicating a similarly cautious attitude toward lottery games.

New Mexicoresidents spent the third least on tickets, spending just$80each on lottery tickets across the year.

In fourth place,Montanaresidents bought just$96.8million worth of tickets in 2023, which equates to merely $86 per person annually. The state received a total of $24.7 million in prizes, which equates to just $22 per person.

Oklahomaranked fifth with a per capita spending of$94on lottery tickets, demonstrating a clear reluctance to spend on lottery games.

States spending the least on the lottery:

RankStateTotal Lottery Sales in 2023Average lottery spending in 2023 per person
1North Dakota$39,329,731$50
3New Mexico$168,460,000$80

Nebraskaranks in sixth place,where residents only spent on average$112per person on lottery tickets over the last year,

In seventh place,Kansasresidents spent$115each on lottery tickets in 2023, which is impressively low – only $2.21 per week on average, which is less than a cup of coffee.

Washingtonranked eighth place, with residents spending only$129per person on lottery tickets over the year. Subsequently, citizens of Washington received an average of just $33 per person in prize money in 2023.

Minnesotaranked ninth in the study with an average per capita annual spending of$138on lottery tickets, highlighting it as another state that spends small amounts on lottery tickets.

Louisianarounds out the states least interested in playing the lottery, with residents spending an average of$142each on lottery tickets in 2023.

Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson fromLottery Geekssays:

“It’s intriguing to delve into the spending habits of each state on the lottery, as it uncovers the regions with the most devoted lottery enthusiasts. With the lottery available in 45 states across the nation, Americans are captivated by the thrill and anticipation that accompanies purchasing a ticket, knowing it holds the possibility of transforming their lives.

“Examining the data, it is clear that residents in states such as Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Maryland are hopeful lottery enthusiasts, investing hundreds of dollars each year in pursuit of a life-changing jackpot.

“In contrast, there are states such as North Dakota, Wyoming, and New Mexico where lottery participation is notably lower. The residents living in these states clearly are more reluctant to gamble their earnings and risk wasting hundreds of dollars on the games.

“Despite the risks associated with gambling, the lottery has produced some remarkable success stories, with individuals across America experiencing life-changing wins. For example, the $2.04 billion Powerball in 2022 was won by a California resident who had bought just one ticket.”