Budgeting: profit planning and control |
Communicating sequential processes |
Computer networks |
Construction of data processing software, 1984 |
Consumer behavior |
Digital control system analysis and design |
Dynamic ecology / Boyd D. Collier [et al.]. - London, 1974. |
Encyclopedia of the American presidency. |
Essentials of management |
Financial markets rates and flows |
A history of Soviet Russia |
International marketing: a cultural approach |
Introduction to futures and options markets |
Java how to program |
Korean phoenix: a nation from the ashes |
[Korespondencja Czesława Miłosza]. |
Macroeconomics: a programmed book |
Management of organizational behavior: utilizing human resources |
Marketing management |
Modern elementary statistics |
Modern English handbook |
Multilevel business English programme: pre-intermediate: course book |
OOPS! The PC Problem solver anybody can use |
Operating systems |
Optical Sensing Techniques and Signal Processing |
Organizations: rational, natural, and open systems |
Organizations: structures, processes and outcomes |
Parallel and distributed computation: numerical methods |
Pascal for engineers and scientists with Turbo Pascal |
PC: kompletny przewodnik dla żółtodziobów |
PeCet: co robić, gdy zaczynają się problemy? |
Phrasal verbs made easy |
Pictures in action |
Plant propagation: principles and practices |
Production and operations management: concepts, models, and behavior |
Programmieren in Assembler für die IBM Personal Computer |
Programming from specifications, c1989: |
Psycholinguistics: learning and using language |
The public interest |
Purchasing: principles and applications |
Quantitative decision-making for business: instructor's manual |
Reading: teacher's book |
Retail marketing: theory and practice |
Retail operations management: a strategic approach |
The Roosevelts: a family in turmoil |
Science and ideas |
Smoothing, forecasting and prediction of discrete time series |
Software engineering and Modula-2 |
Software requirements: objects, functions and states |
Soil: an introduction to soils and plant growth |
Specification case studies |
Starting English for business |
Statistics for business and economics |
Stochastic modeling and the theory of queues |
Stories |
The strategy process: concepts, contexts, and cases |
Structure in fives: designing effective organizations |
Studies in ethnomethodology |
The study of lives: essays on personality in honor of Henry A. Murray |
Systematic software development using VDM |
Systèmes-Experts: vers la maîtrise technique |
Sztuczne życie: zestaw narzędzi badacza |
The technology of parallel processing. |
Theory of economic statics |
Thinking straight: principles of reasoning for readers and writers |
Tim O'Brien |
Tom Wolfe |
The tourism system: an introductory text |
Transportation and traffic engineering handbook |
Understanding language classrooms: a guide for teacher-initiated action |
Vvedenie v teoriû linejnyh prostranstv |
Western Islamic architecture |
The women's movement: references and resources |
Word bird's: word book: [vocabulary building for young learners] |
Word for Windows 6.0 |
Writing: student's book |
Wstęp do mikroekonomii: zadania i problemy |
You and your language |
Zweisprachiges Handbuch für Handelskorrespondenz und Kommunikation: Deutsch-Englisch = Bilingual handbook of business correspondence and communication: English-German |