Virtual International Authority File


Egerton, Daniel Thomas, 1797-1842 Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France

Egerton, Daniel Thomas 1800-1842 ISNI German National Library

Egerton, Daniel Thomas (English painter, draftsman, and engraver, 1797-1842) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Daniel Thomas Egerton painter (1797-1842) Wikidata

Egerton, D. T. (Daniel Thomas) National Library of Australia

VIAF ID: 3370779 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Anales del Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas, UNAM, no. 23 (1955): Library of Congress/NACO
Causa célebre contra los asesinos de don Florencio Egerton y doña Inés Edwards, 1988: Library of Congress/NACO
Egerton en México, 1830-1842: reproducción de la edición del autor con sus textos originales y otras obras aisladas Library of Congress/NACO
Fashionable Bores, or Coolers in High Life Wikidata
Mexican Street Scene - Aquas Caliente Wikidata
necessary qualifications of a man of fashion Wikidata National Library of France
Paisajes mexicanos de un pintor inglés. Library of Congress/NACO
Set of four: (4) Stag Hunting Wikidata
The Valley of Mexico Wikidata
Vera Cruz, and Castle of San Juan D’Ulloa Wikidata

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