Virtual International Authority File


Werner, Richard Maria, 1854-1913 National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Lithuania NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia Vatican Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France National Library of Israel National Library of Ireland National Library of Australia National Library of Poland

Werner, R.M. (Richard Maria), 1854-1913 National Library of the Netherlands

Werner, Richard Maria RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Werner, Richard M. ISNI

Richard Maria Werner österreichischer Germanist und Literaturhistoriker Wikidata

VIAF ID: 100228491 (Personal)


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Title Sources
1840-1844 National Library of the Czech Republic
1854-1863 National Library of the Czech Republic
Agnes Bernauer Ein deutsches Trauerspiel in 5 Aufzügen National Library of the Netherlands German National Library
Anhang II.: Lesarten und Anmerkungen II., Bd. 5-7 National Library of the Czech Republic
Aus dem Josephinischen Wien; Geblers und Nicolais Briefwechsel während der Jahre 1771-1786 National Library of the Czech Republic Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Die Basler Bearbeitung von Lambrechts Alexander Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Spain Vatican Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Beiträge zur Ästhetik. Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Berliner Werther, Mitteilungen über Goethe aus ungedruckten Briefen Nicolais und seiner Freunde NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library German National Library
Briefe National Library of the Czech Republic Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Briefe 1832-1862. Nachträge. Zusätze. Berichtigungen und Ergänzugen. Unzugängliche und verlorene Briefe. Register. Beilage. N°903-951 National Library of France
Briefe 1839-1843. Hamburg. Kopenhagen. Hamburg. Paris. N°92-172 National Library of France
Childe Harold's pilgrimage NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Disziplinentwicklung als community of practice: der Briefwechsel Wilhelm Scherers mit August Sauer, Bernhard Seuffert und Richard Maria Werner aus den Jahren 1876 bis 1886 NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Dramen VI. National Library of the Czech Republic
G. A. Bürgers ausgewählte Werke: in zwei Bänden. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of the Netherlands
Gallerie von deutschen Schauspielern und Schauspielerinnen nebst Johann Friedrich Schinks: Zusätzen und Berichtungen National Library of the Netherlands
Gedichte / Gottfried August Bürger. - Stuttgart, [1903]. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Gedichte III.: Nachlese 1828-1859 National Library of the Czech Republic
Gyges und sein Ring NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library German National Library
Hamburg, Heidelberg, München, Hamburg National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of France
Hebbel Ein Lebensbild German National Library Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Hebbels Werke Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Poland
Herodes und Mariamne; Julia; Agnes Bernauer National Library of the Czech Republic
Julius von Tarent und die dramatischen fragmente Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
[Korespondencja Józefa Mirskiego z lat 1902-1939]. National Library of Poland
Der Laufner Don Juan: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Volksschauspiels National Library of the Czech Republic Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Spain
Lessing NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Lessings Emilia Galotti: Nebst einem Anhange: Die drei-actige Bearbeitung Sudoc [ABES], France
Lettres. Sudoc [ABES], France
Ludwig Philipp Hahn Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sturm- und Drangzeit National Library of France German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands
Lyrik und Lyriker Eine Untersuchung Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Manuscript "Goethe and Countess O'Donnell" with unprinted letters and poetical enclosures National Library of Ireland
Marienbad, Wien National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of France
Meisterdramen NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of the Netherlands
Le monde où l'on s'ennuie: comédie en trois actes: Mit Anmerkungen zum Schulgebrauch NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Nestroy, Johann Wikidata
Die Nibelungen Sudoc [ABES], France
Novellen und Erzählungen; Mutter und Kind; Pläne und Stoffe (1835-1863) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of the Czech Republic
Oeuvres complètes. Sudoc [ABES], France
Der österreichische Parnaß, verspottet in Wort und Bild. National Library of the Czech Republic Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Ireland
Rom, Neapel, Rom, Wien National Library of the Czech Republic
Sämmtliche Werke National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France National Library of Israel National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Tagebuch Durch Irren zum Glück German National Library
Tagebücher. National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Catalonia Vatican Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Israel National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Ein Vade Mecum für den Herrn Dr. R. M. Werner NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Väterbuch: ein neues Meraner Fragment aus dem "Buch der Veter Sudoc [ABES], France
Vermischte Schriften. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of the Czech Republic
Vienne au temps de Joseph II. Correspondance entre Gebler et Nicolai Sudoc [ABES], France
Vollendete und Ringende: Dichter und Dichtungen der Neuzeit Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Der Wiener hanswurst. RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO
Zur Faustsage Sudoc [ABES], France

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