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Smith, Richard, 1500-1563 National Library of the Netherlands Library and Archives Canada National Library of Spain Vatican Library NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library BIBSYS German National Library National Library of Portugal National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Czech Republic

Smyth, Richard, 1500-1563 National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France

Smyth, Richard ISNI

Richard Smyth Wikidata

Smith, Richard, Doyen de l'église St Pierre à Douai RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

VIAF ID: 27294281 (Personal)


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Title Sources
The assertion and defence of the sacramente of the aulter. Compyled and made by mayster Richard Smythe doctour of diuinitie, and reader of the Kynges maiesties lesson in his graces vniuersitie of Oxforde, dedicate vnto his hyghnes, beynge the excellent and moost worthy defendour of Christes faythe Sudoc [ABES], France
A bouclier of the Catholike fayth of Christes church, 1554: Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
A brief treatyse: settynge forth diuers truthes necessary both to be beleued of Chrysten people, & kepte also, whiche are not expressed in the Scripture but left to ye church by the apostles traditio[n] Sudoc [ABES], France
Bum Fodder: an Absorbing History of Toilet Paper xR Extended Relationships
De cœlibato sacerdotum liber vnvs National Library of the Netherlands
Como manter a linha fazendo amor National Library of Portugal
Confutatio eorum, quae Philippus Melanchthon objicit contra Missae sacrificium propitiatorium National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
A confutation of a certen booke, called a defence of the true, and Catholike doctrine of the sacrame[n]t, &c. sette fourth of late in the name of Thomas Archebysshoppe of Canterburye. By Rycharde Smyth, Docter of diuinite, and some tyme reader of the same in Oxforde Sudoc [ABES], France
Defence of the blessed masse, and the sacrifice thereof Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Defensio compendiaria, et orthodoxa, sacri, externi et visibilis Jesu Christi sacerdotii. Cui addita est sacratorum catholicaæ ecclesiæ altarium propugnatio, ac calvinianæ communionis succincta refutatio. Per Richardum Smythæum, anglum theologiæ doctorem, oxoniensem.. Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library German National Library
Defensio D. Petri Martyris Vermilii Florentini divinarum literarum in schola Tigurina professoris, ad Riccardi Smythaei Angli, olim theologiae professoris Oxoniensis duos libellos de caelibatu sacerdotum, & votis monasticis, nunc primùm in lucem edita.... Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands German National Library
Defensio sacri episcoporum et sacerdotum coelibatus, contra impias et indoctas Petri Martyris Vermelii nugas, et calumnias, quas ille Oxoniae in Anglia, duobus retro annis in sacerdotalium nuptiarum assertionem temere effutivit National Library of France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of the Netherlands
Diatriba de hominis justificatione aedita Oxoniae... anno a nativitate Domini nostri Jesu Christi 1550, mense februario, adversus Petrum Martyrem Vermelinum, olim Cartusianum Lucencem in Italia, nunc apostatam in Anglia Oxoniae... Per Ricardum Smythaeum,... National Library of France National Library of Spain Sudoc [ABES], France
Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900 Library of Congress/NACO
Godly and faythfull retractation Sudoc [ABES], France
De infantium baptismo, contra Joannem Calvinum, ac de operibus supererogationis, et merito mortis Christi, adversus eundem Calvinum, et eius discipulos German National Library National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Vatican Library
A letter to a gentleman, on the subject of religious controversy: occasioned by reading some remarks on the letters of the late Lord Bolingbroke, on the study and use of history. By the Reverend Richard Smyth Sudoc [ABES], France
De libero hominis arbitrio adversus Joannem Calvinum, & quotquot impiè illud auferunt, Lutherum imitati National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands
De Missae sacrificio, succincta quaedam enarratio National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands Sudoc [ABES], France
Munition against mans misery and mortality: A treatice containing the most effectual remedies against the miserable state of man in this life, selected out of the chiefest both humane and divine authors; by Richard Smyth preacher of Gods word in Barstaple in Devonshire Sudoc [ABES], France
Of unwryten verytyes Sudoc [ABES], France
PETRI MARTYRIS VERMILII Locorum Communium Theologicorum, ex ipsius diuersis Opusculis... 1581. (VD16 V 826) German National Library
A playne declaration made at Oxforde the 24. daye of July, by mayster Richarde Smyth, Doctor of diuinite, vpon hys Retractation made [and] published at Paules crosse in London, in the yeare of our lorde God, D.D.xlvii. the xv. daye of May Sudoc [ABES], France
Refutatio locorum communium theologicorum Philippi Melanchthonis... dedicata... illustrissimo ac catholicissimo Philippo, Regi Hispaniarum... autore Ricardo Smytheo,... National Library of France
Religionis et regis adversus exitiosas Calvini, Bezae, & Ottomani conjuratorum factiones defensio prima: ad senatum populumque Parisiensem RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Richard Smyth and the language of orthodoxy: re-imagining Tudor Catholic polemicism Sudoc [ABES], France
The seconde parte of the booke called A boucklier of the Catholyke fayeth, 1555: German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
De votis monasticis liber alter National Library of the Netherlands

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