Virtual International Authority File


Taylor, Charles Lewis. National Library of Poland ISNI NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Library of Congress/NACO RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada BIBSYS National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France NII (Japan)

Taylor, Charles Lewis, 1935-.... Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Swiss National Library

Charles Lewis Taylor Wikidata

VIAF ID: 100274002 (Personal)


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Open Section Close SectionWorks

Title Sources
Aggregate data analysis... 1968, 1969. Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada
Are political values really changing? BIBSYS
Cross-national attributes and rates of change NII (Japan)
Founding elections in Eastern Europe Sudoc [ABES], France
Indicators of political structure for use in global models paper prepared for delivery at the twelfth world congress of the International Political Science Association, August 9 - 14, 1982, Rio de Janeiro German National Library
Karl W. Deutsch: pioneer in the theory of international relations Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library Swiss National Library NII (Japan)
[Korespondencja Leszka Kołakowskiego]. National Library of Poland
Political protest and government change NII (Japan)
"Politik mit wachen Sinnen betreiben" zur Erinnerung an Karl W. Deutsch; Gedenkveranstaltung am 9. Dezember 2002 German National Library
Small states and territories: status and problems: a UNITAR study National Library of the Netherlands
Some patterns in domestic violence and government change prepared for the Workshop on the World Handbook III at the Zentralarchiv für Empirische Sozialforschung der Universität zu Köln, June 28 - 29, 1984 German National Library
Why governments grow: measuring public sector size Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland BIBSYS National Library of the Netherlands NII (Japan)
World handbook of political and social indicators National Library of Poland German National Library Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland BIBSYS National Library of the Netherlands NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of France NII (Japan)
World handbook of political and social indicators (2nd ed.) National Library of Israel

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