Virtual International Authority File


Wilson, Jimmy 19..-.... tromboniste National Library of France

VIAF ID: 298149196570574792129 (Personal)


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Open Section Close Section 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms(1)

Open Section Close SectionWorks

Title Sources
Cherokee (3 mn 32 s) National Library of France
Falling in love with you (6 mn 56 s) National Library of France
folk who live on the hill (4 mn 09 s) National Library of France
Introducing Tubbs [Enregistrement sonore] National Library of France
late one (3 mn 49 s) National Library of France
Love walked in (2 mn 58 s) National Library of France
R.T.H. (5 mn 27 s) National Library of France
S'posin' (3 mn 52 s) National Library of France
Tubbsville (4 mn 03 s) National Library of France
Wonderful! wonderful! (8 mn 13 s) National Library of France

Open Section Close Section Selected Co-authors

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Open Section Close Section About

Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:298149196570574792129 (1)