Virtual International Authority File


Smith, Stephen (Stephen Francis), medicus, WW2 National Library of the Netherlands

Smith, Stephen 19..-.... historien de la Seconde guerre mondiale National Library of France

Smith, Steven (Military historian) Library of Congress/NACO

VIAF ID: 282509850 (Personal)


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Title Sources
101st airborne - market garden 1944 xR Extended Relationships National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands
2nd Armored Division, 2003: Library of Congress/NACO
Bastogne: Ardennen 1944 National Library of the Netherlands
Bastogne, la 101st Airborne au combat [Texte imprimé] National Library of France
Leibstandarte: Ardennes 1944-45 Library of Congress/NACO xR Extended Relationships National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands
Scientific research: a view from within National Library of the Netherlands
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek van de binnenzijde bekeken National Library of the Netherlands

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