Bischof George Bell Ökumeniker, Brückenbauer, Fürsprecher, Europäer; Reden aus dem Oberhaus des Britischen Parlaments und Briefwechsel mit Rudolf Heß |
Bishop George Bell house of lords speeches and correspondence with Rudolf Hess |
A brief sketch of the Church of England |
Briefwechsel 1933-1954 |
The Christian approach to Jews: slightly enlarged from a memorandum prepared for the International Missionary Council |
Christian unity: the Anglican position: Olaus Petri lectures at Upsala University, October 1946 |
Christianity and world order |
The church and humanity (1939-1946) |
The Church in relation to international affairs |
The Church of England and the free churches: proceedings of joint conferences held at Lambeth Palace, 1921-25 |
The Church of South India: being the united report of the two joint committees of the convocations |
Delphi: being the Newdigate Prize poem MCMIV |
An der Schwelle zum gespaltenen Europa der Briefwechsel zwischen George Bell u. Gerhard Leibholz; 1939 - 1951 |
dich segnen, sind gesegnet Bibelstudien über die Segenssprüche Bileams; 4. Mose 22 - 24 |
Documents on Christian unity. |
The English church |
Evanston - a beginning, not an end: an NBC Radio discussion |
The George Bell-Alphons Koechlin correspondence: the German church struggle in an international perspective, 1933-1954 |
George Bell-Gerhard Leibholz correspondence in the long shadow of the Third Reich, 1938-1958 |
George Bell: the greatest churchman - a portrait in letters |
German and Austrian refugees, how they help us: a broadcast talk |
Germany and the Hitlerite state |
Humanitet och flyktingar: ur ett föredrag |
Humanity and the refugees: delivered in the Great hall of University college, London |
'Intimately associated for many years': George K. A. Bell's and Willem A. Visser't Hooft's common life-work in the service of the church universal, mirrored in their correspondence |
Kingship of christ
Kirche in der Welt [Reden u. Aufsätze] |
Kirche von England |
Die Königsherrschaft Jesu Christi: die Geschichte des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen |
A la croisée des chemins: (Organisons la paix): discours prononcés durant la session du Conseil oecuménique du christianisme pratique, Genève, 1932 |
L'anglicanisme |
A Letter to my friends in the evangelical Church in Germany |
Many lines to thee: letters to G. K. A. Bell from the Martello Tower at Sandycove, Rutland Square and Trinity College, Dublin, 1904-1907 |
The Meaning of the Creed, papers on the Apostles' Creed |
Med Gud i mørke |
Messrs. Bell and Daldy's Catalogue of Bohn's various libraries and of their other collections: with a classified index. |
Mixed marriages |
The modern parson |
Mysterium Christi: christologische Studien britischer und deutscher Theologen |
Nuclear war and peace, the facts and the challenge |
Opening Address [at the Meeting of the Central Committee of the WCC at Lucknow] |
parish churches of Shoreham, Sussex |
Pastor Niemöller and his creed |
Pastoral letter of the Bishop of Chichester: to be read in every church and chapel of the Diocese on Whit Sunday, May 16th, 1948, Lambeth and Amsterdam |
The Peaceful use of atomic ernergy: a sermon |
Poems of life and death / ed. by G. K. A. Bell. - London, [1907]. |
Randall Davidson, archbishop of Canterbury |
Resistance to slavery every man's duty a report on American slavery, read to the Worcester Central Association, March 2, 1847. |
Sammlung |
selected letters and papers of George Bell, Bishop of Chichester |
The Stockholm conference 1925: the official report of the Universal Christian Conference on Life and Work held in Stockholm, 19-30 August, 1925 |
Tribute to the work of the Bishop of Chichester on behalf of refugees from Nazi oppression Committee: Pastor W. Büsing, Dr. F. Hertz und andere |
Unity and compassion, 1986: |
Unshakeable friend George Bell and the German churches |
A visit to South India |
Visits by the bishop of Chichester to France, The United States and Canada, 1945 |
The war and the kingdom of God |
We intend to stay together: four talks on Evanston |
William Temple and his message: selections from his writings |
With God in the darkness: and other papers illustrating the Norwegian church conflict |
The World Council of churches, an introduction |