Fernandes, António Augusto
António A. Fernandes researcher
Fernandes, A. Augusto 1949-
Fernandes, A. Augusto (António Augusto), 1949-
VIAF ID: 36114288 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/36114288
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Title | Sources |
Biomechanical analysis of intact versus ruptured Poly Implant Prothèse breast implants | |
Biomechanical and morphological properties of the multiparous ovine vagina and effect of subsequent pregnancy | |
Biomechanical properties of breast tissue, a state-of-the-art review. | |
Breast implants rupture induced by fatigue phenomena. | |
Computational modeling approach to study the effects of fetal head flexion during vaginal delivery | |
The effect of consecutive pregnancies on the ovine pelvic soft tissues: Link between biomechanical and histological components | |
Fadiga de estruturas soldadas, 1986: | |
Fatigue strength assessment of riveted details in railway metallic bridges | |
In vitro degradation of polydimethylsiloxanes in breast implant applications | |
In vitro study of the mechanical performance of hernia mesh under cyclic loading | |
The influence of the material properties on the biomechanical behavior of the pelvic floor muscles during vaginal delivery | |
Linking hyperelastic theoretical models and experimental data of vaginal tissue through histological data | |
Mechanical fatigue of metals experimental and simulation perspectives | |
Mechanical Performance of Poly Implant Prosthesis (PIP) Breast Implants: A Comparative Study. | |
Mechanical properties of polypropylene mesh used in pelvic floor repair | |
Monotonic and Fracture Behaviours of Bolted Connections with Distinct Bolt Preloads and Surface Treatments | |
Monotonic and Ultra-Low-Cycle Fatigue Behaviour of Pipeline Steels Experimental and Numerical Approaches | |
Product and Service Design Innovation |