Virtual International Authority File


Parkinson, Norman, 1913-1990 Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France BIBSYS Library and Archives Canada National Library of Sweden ISNI National Library of France German National Library National Library of the Netherlands

Parkinson, Norman NII (Japan)

Parkinson, Norman (British photographer, 1913-1990) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Parkinson, Norman, pseud. National Library of Portugal

Norman Parkinson British photographer (1913-1990) Wikidata

Parkinson, Norman, 1913- National Library of Australia

VIAF ID: 44441651 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Beatlemania: four photographers on the fab four (1963-1965) Library of Congress/NACO German National Library
Beatles book National Library of Portugal
The Beatles: London, 1963 German National Library
Contemporary photographers Sudoc [ABES], France
Fifty years of style and fashion, c1983: Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada
Lifework National Library of Sweden National Library of the Netherlands
Mansion in Park Lane studies in sunlight National Library of France
[Margaret Thatcher] National Library of Sweden
Norman Parkinson, 1994: National Library of Sweden NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands Library and Archives Canada
Parkinson photographs, 1935-90 National Library of the Netherlands
Photographs. Selections Library of Congress/NACO
Pink is the navy blue of India Library of Congress/NACO
Sisters under the skin, 1978: National Library of Sweden Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada
Would you let your daughter? National Library of France

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