4 cha saneop hyeongmyeong sidae ui hyeoksin gyosubeop |
4차 산업혁명 시대의 혁신교수법 건설적 논쟁의 이론과 실제 |
Academic controversy: enriching college instruction through intellectual conflict |
Apprendimento cooperativo in classe: migliorare il clima emotivo e il rendimento |
Assessing students in groups: promoting group responsibility and individual accountability |
Circles of learning: cooperation in the classroom
Civil political discourse |
Constructive controversy: theory, research, practice |
Cooperation and competition: theory and research |
Cooperative learning in the classroom
La evaluación en el aprendizaje cooperativo: cómo mejorar la evaluación individual a través del grupo |
Fifty years faithful: the story of Presbyterian Homes |
Gakusei sankagata no daigaku jugyō: Kyōdō gakushū eno jissen gaido |
Gakushū no wa: Manabiai no kyōdō kyōiku nyūmon |
Groepsdynamica: theorie en vaardigheden |
Human relations and your career: a guide to interpersonal skills |
Interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization |
Joining together
Kooperatives Lernen, kooperative Schule Tipps - Praxishilfen - Konzepte |
Kyodo gakushu o sasaeru asesumento to hyoka. |
Lærerens rolle |
Læring gjennom samarbeid |
Learning to lead teams: developing leadership skills |
Learning together and alone
Learning Together and Alone: Cooperative,Competitive and Individualistic Learning
Meaningful assessment: a manageable and cooperative process |
Multicultural education and human relations: valuing diversity |
n50038956 |
New circles of learning.
Los nuevos círculos de aprendizaje: cooperación en el salón de clases y en la escuela |
Our mediation notebook |
Peace education |
Podaj dłoń |
Positive peer relationships |
Productive conflict managemet: perspectives for organizations |
Reaching out
Reducing school violence through conflict resolution |
Les relations humaines dans le monde du travail |
RELEASE A Model with Data to Predict Aerosol Rainout in Accidental Releases |
Samarbeid i skolen: pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid - samspill mellom mennesker |
The social integration of handicapped students into the mainstream |
Social psychology of education
"Som hånd i hanske": en praktisk innføring i samarbeidslæring |
Structuring cooperative learning: lessons plans for teachers |
Teaching: professionalisation, development and leadership |
Teaching students cooperative skills |
Teaching students to be peacemakers |
Umiejętności interpersonalne i samorealizacja |
Watsuji on nature: Japanese philosophy in the wake of Heidegger |
The World of early Egyptian Christianity: language, literature, and social context; essays in honour of David W. Johnson |
Тренинг общения и развития, 2000: |
التعلم التعاونى |
갈등 해결을 통한 학교 폭력 예방 |
다문화교육과 인간관계 |
학생들과 함께 하는 협동 학습 |
Hiệp đồng học tập を chi えるアセスメントと bình 価 |
Hợp tác học tập |
Học tập の luân アメリカの hiệp đồng học tập nhập môn |
Học tập の luân: Học び hợp いの hiệp đồng giáo dục nhập môn |
Học sinh tham gia hình の đại học thụ nghiệp: Hiệp đồng học tập への thật tiễn ガイド |
Giáo dục xã hội tâm lý học |