Virtual International Authority File


Schultz-Debowski, R., 1927-1976 National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library

Schultz-Debowski, Rudolf National and University Library in Zagreb National Library of the Netherlands

Schultz-Debowski, Rudolf 1927–1976 National Library of Poland National Library of Lithuania

Schultz-Debowski, Rudolf, 19..-.... Sudoc [ABES], France

Schultz-Debowski, R. ISNI

Schultz-Debowski, Rudolf (1927- ). NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Rudolf Schultz-Debowski německý ilustrátor Wikidata

VIAF ID: 122741968 (Personal)


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Open Section Close Section 4xx's: Alternate Name Forms(11)

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Title Sources
1, 2, 3 licz razem z nami National Library of Poland German National Library
1, 2, 3. Tko zna neka broji, tko ne zna neka uči u našoj kući National and University Library in Zagreb
1 [Eins], 2, 3 - wir sind dabei Ein Zahlenbilderbuch National Library of Poland German National Library
Automosaik German National Library
Bald bin ich ein Schulkind: ein Buch zur Vorbereitung der Kinder auf die Schule Sudoc [ABES], France
Busy Builders A counting picture book German National Library
Circus comes to town German National Library
cirque Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Freundschaftsreigen Steckpuppen German National Library
Hallo, Schaltzentrale German National Library
Häuschen für Familie Star German National Library
Herr Fuchs und Frau Elsler: ein musikalisches Kinderbuch Sudoc [ABES], France
Itt a cirkusz! German National Library
Jedan, 2, 3, brojte s nama German National Library
Jedan, dva, tri National and University Library in Zagreb
Kinder im Schnee Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library
Kinder in Afrika German National Library
Kleine Leute auf großer Reise Ein musikal. Bilderbuch German National Library
Kućica za čvorke National and University Library in Zagreb
Märchen im Lied German National Library
Mein freier Tag Clown Ferdinand; e. kurzweilige u. nicht gerade alltägl. Geschichte German National Library National Library of the Netherlands
Mündlicher und schriftlicher Ausdruck German National Library
Mutti - wo bist du? German National Library
Pitsche patsche Peter German National Library
Poum et la pluie German National Library
Rolle, rolle, Rad German National Library
Sandmann, lieber Sandmann!; Kinderlieder German National Library
Sirkus i manesjen German National Library
Sirkus kuperiskeikkaa German National Library
Stichwort Musik: Musiklexikon für die Jugend NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Unser... Rechenbuch German National Library
Wir spielen Innenarchitekt Bastelbogen German National Library
Zajímavá matematika: National Library of the Czech Republic
Zirkus drunter und drüber Sudoc [ABES], France German National Library National Library of the Netherlands

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:122741968 (13)