Virtual International Authority File


Wisnik, José Miguel, 1948- German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France ISNI National Library of Poland National Library of the Czech Republic NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Brazil

Wisnik, José Miguel National Library of Catalonia Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Australia National Library of the Netherlands NII (Japan) National Library of Israel Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale National Library of Portugal

Wisnik, Zé Miguel 1948- National Library of Brazil

José Miguel Wisnik Brazilian pianist and composeur Wikidata

VIAF ID: 93330036 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Anos 70: ainda sob a tempestade National Library of Catalonia
As mulheres de Tijucopapo Library of Congress/NACO
Boitempo National Library of Portugal
cidade e os livros National Library of Portugal
O coro dos contrários: a música em torno da Semana de 22 NII (Japan) Library of Congress/NACO
Essays. Library of Congress/NACO
Experiências no tempo. National Library of Brazil
Ffenestr yr Enaid Wikidata
Futuro não é mais o que era National Library of the Czech Republic
Gente da mesma floresta, c2007: Library of Congress/NACO
Gilberto Gil: todas as letras: incluindo letras comentadas pelo compositor Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
Indivisível National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO
Janela da Alma National Library of France Wikidata
Livro de partituras National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO
Machado Maxixe: O Caso Pestana Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
Maquinação do mundo: Drummond e a mineração Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
Meninas National Library of France
Mère ado National Library of France
Museu do Futebol: arquitetura e requalifição no Estádio do Pacaembu Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Catalonia
Música National Library of Brazil National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Música popular brasileña y literatura: la gaya ciencia Library of Congress/NACO
Mutações. National Library of the Czech Republic
Ná e Zé Library of Congress/NACO
O nacional e o popular na cultura brasileira: @Música Sudoc [ABES], France
Palavra encantada Library of Congress/NACO
Parabelo: [ballet de la compagnie de danse] Grupo corpo Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Pérolas aos poucos [SR] 2004?: National Library of Brazil Library of Congress/NACO
Poemas escolhidos Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
Poems. Library of Congress/NACO
Poesias. National Library of Brazil
Projeto Novas Identidades, a Vida em Transformação. National Library of Brazil
Seelenfenster – Der Einfluß des Brillentragens auf die Persönlichkeit Wikidata
Sem receita: ensaios e cançoes Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
O som e o sentido: uma outra história das músicas Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Catalonia National Library of Brazil
Songs. Selections Library of Congress/NACO
Terre lointaine, français Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France
Veneno remédio / José Miguel Wisnik. - São Paulo, 2008. National Library of Brazil NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of Poland
Veneno remédio: o futebol e o Brasil Sudoc [ABES], France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Brazil
Vinicius de Moraes: um poeta dentro da vida = Vinicius de Moraes: a poet in life Library of Congress/NACO
Window of the Soul Wikidata
O zero não é vazio Library of Congress/NACO

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:93330036 (21)