Virtual International Authority File


Vogel, Petr. National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Latvia NII (Japan) NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Lithuania National Library of Israel BIBSYS

Petr Vogel American physicist Wikidata

Petr Vogel ISNI

VIAF ID: 36977582 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Double beta decay of 48Ca Wikidata
Fundamental symmetries in nuclei and particles: symposium honoring Felix Boehm's 65th birthday, CALTECH, Pasadena, September 7-9, 1989 Library of Congress/NACO
Neutrino Fluence afterr‐Process Freezeout and Abundances of Te Isotopes in Presolar Diamonds Wikidata
Neutrino induced transitions between the ground states of theA=12 triad Wikidata
Neutrino Magnetic Moments, Flavor Mixing, and the Super-Kamiokande Solar Data Wikidata
Neutrino masses and oscillations: triumphs and challenges Wikidata NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Neutrino–nucleus cross section at low energies Wikidata
Observing nucleon decay in lead perchlorate Wikidata
On the capture of muons in atoms Wikidata
On the description of the positive parity states in odd-N rare-earth nuclei Wikidata
On the microscopic description of nuclear vibrations when phonons occur at relatively low energy Wikidata
On the nuclear octupole deformation in the 218 ⩽ A ⩽ 232 region Wikidata
Optical model description of parity-nonconserving neutron resonances Wikidata
Pairing and symmetry energy in N≃Z nuclei Wikidata
The Palo Verde reactor neutrino oscillation experiment Wikidata
Parameter study of star-disc encounters Wikidata
Physics of massive neutrinos National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Sudoc [ABES], France Wikidata National Library of Israel BIBSYS
Pion and neutron production by cosmic-ray muons underground Wikidata
Probing r-Process Production of Nuclei Beyond 209Bi with Gamma Rays Wikidata
Production of radioactive isotopes through cosmic muon spallation in KamLAND Wikidata
Quasielastic neutrino scattering from oxygen and the atmospheric neutrino problem Wikidata
Radiative corrections to low-energy neutrino reactions Wikidata
Reactor antineutrino anomaly with knownθ13 Wikidata
Reactor antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions. II Wikidata
Reexamining the light neutrino exchange mechanism of the0νββdecay with left- and right-handed leptonic and hadronic currents Wikidata
Response ofI127to solar neutrinos Wikidata
Review of Particle Properties Wikidata
Revisão de Física de Partículas Wikidata
Scattering of neutralinos from niobium Wikidata
Search for sterile neutrinos with a radioactive source at Daya Bay Wikidata
Search for the Invisible Decay of Neutrons with KamLAND Wikidata
Search for2νββdecay ofXe136to the01+excited state ofBa136with the EXO-200 liquid xenon detector Wikidata
Semi-decoupled bands in the even Hg isotopes Wikidata
Sensitivity and discovery potential of the proposed nEXO experiment to neutrinoless double- β decay Wikidata
Shell Model Calculation of theβ−andβ+Partial Half-Lives ofM54nand Other Unique Second ForbiddenβDecays Wikidata
Shell model description of isotope shifts in calcium Wikidata
Shell model Monte Carlo studies of N = Zpf-shell nuclei with pairing-plus-quadrupole Hamiltonian Wikidata
Signal for SupernovaνμandντNeutrinos in Water Čerenkov Detectors Wikidata
Spin-dependent cross sections of weakly interacting massive particles on nuclei Wikidata
Spin-dependent WIMPs in DAMA? Wikidata
Spin-isospin SU(4) symmetry insd- andfp-shell nuclei Wikidata
Statistical analysis of the time dependence of the solar neutrino capture rate Wikidata
Status of the standard vector—axial-vector model for nuclear beta decay Wikidata
Structure of the ground and excited states of odd-mass deformed nuclei in the region 153 ≦ A ≦ 187 Wikidata
SuperNEMO Experiment: Study of Systematic Uncertainties of Track Reconstruction and Energy Calibration. Evaluation of Sensitivity to 0nbb with Emission of Majoron for Se-82.. Sudoc [ABES], France
Supernovae as the Site of ther‐Process: Implications for Gamma‐Ray Astronomy Wikidata
Tables of electron screening and higher-order vacuum polarization potentials in mesic atoms Wikidata
Teoriâ složnyh âder NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Testing the inverse-square law of gravity in boreholes at the Nevada Test Site Wikidata
Theory of complex nuclei Wikidata NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library
Theory of neutrino oscillations with entanglement Wikidata
Towards absolute neutrino masses Wikidata
Transport study of charged current interactions in neutrino–nucleus reactions Wikidata
Uncertainty in the0νββdecay nuclear matrix elements Wikidata
Weak reactions on 12C within the continuum random phase approximation with partial occupancies Wikidata
β-decay phenomenology of nuclear fission products Wikidata
Физика массивных нейтрино, 1990: National Library of Latvia

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