Double beta decay of 48Ca |
Fundamental symmetries in nuclei and particles: symposium honoring Felix Boehm's 65th birthday, CALTECH, Pasadena, September 7-9, 1989 |
Neutrino Fluence afterr‐Process Freezeout and Abundances of Te Isotopes in Presolar Diamonds |
Neutrino induced transitions between the ground states of theA=12 triad |
Neutrino Magnetic Moments, Flavor Mixing, and the Super-Kamiokande Solar Data |
Neutrino masses and oscillations: triumphs and challenges |
Neutrino–nucleus cross section at low energies |
Observing nucleon decay in lead perchlorate |
On the capture of muons in atoms |
On the description of the positive parity states in odd-N rare-earth nuclei |
On the microscopic description of nuclear vibrations when phonons occur at relatively low energy |
On the nuclear octupole deformation in the 218 ⩽ A ⩽ 232 region |
Optical model description of parity-nonconserving neutron resonances |
Pairing and symmetry energy in N≃Z nuclei |
The Palo Verde reactor neutrino oscillation experiment |
Parameter study of star-disc encounters |
Physics of massive neutrinos |
Pion and neutron production by cosmic-ray muons underground |
Probing r-Process Production of Nuclei Beyond 209Bi with Gamma Rays |
Production of radioactive isotopes through cosmic muon spallation in KamLAND |
Quasielastic neutrino scattering from oxygen and the atmospheric neutrino problem |
Radiative corrections to low-energy neutrino reactions |
Reactor antineutrino anomaly with knownθ13 |
Reactor antineutrino spectra and their application to antineutrino-induced reactions. II |
Reexamining the light neutrino exchange mechanism of the0νββdecay with left- and right-handed leptonic and hadronic currents |
Response ofI127to solar neutrinos |
Review of Particle Properties |
Revisão de Física de Partículas |
Scattering of neutralinos from niobium |
Search for sterile neutrinos with a radioactive source at Daya Bay |
Search for the Invisible Decay of Neutrons with KamLAND |
Search for2νββdecay ofXe136to the01+excited state ofBa136with the EXO-200 liquid xenon detector |
Semi-decoupled bands in the even Hg isotopes |
Sensitivity and discovery potential of the proposed nEXO experiment to neutrinoless double- β decay |
Shell Model Calculation of theβ−andβ+Partial Half-Lives ofM54nand Other Unique Second ForbiddenβDecays |
Shell model description of isotope shifts in calcium |
Shell model Monte Carlo studies of N = Zpf-shell nuclei with pairing-plus-quadrupole Hamiltonian |
Signal for SupernovaνμandντNeutrinos in Water Čerenkov Detectors |
Spin-dependent cross sections of weakly interacting massive particles on nuclei |
Spin-dependent WIMPs in DAMA? |
Spin-isospin SU(4) symmetry insd- andfp-shell nuclei |
Statistical analysis of the time dependence of the solar neutrino capture rate |
Status of the standard vector—axial-vector model for nuclear beta decay |
Structure of the ground and excited states of odd-mass deformed nuclei in the region 153 ≦ A ≦ 187 |
SuperNEMO Experiment: Study of Systematic Uncertainties of Track Reconstruction and Energy Calibration. Evaluation of Sensitivity to 0nbb with Emission of Majoron for Se-82.. |
Supernovae as the Site of ther‐Process: Implications for Gamma‐Ray Astronomy |
Tables of electron screening and higher-order vacuum polarization potentials in mesic atoms |
Teoriâ složnyh âder |
Testing the inverse-square law of gravity in boreholes at the Nevada Test Site |
Theory of complex nuclei |
Theory of neutrino oscillations with entanglement |
Towards absolute neutrino masses |
Transport study of charged current interactions in neutrino–nucleus reactions |
Uncertainty in the0νββdecay nuclear matrix elements |
Weak reactions on 12C within the continuum random phase approximation with partial occupancies |
β-decay phenomenology of nuclear fission products |
Физика массивных нейтрино, 1990: |