Virtual International Authority File


Harris, Jonathan, 1921- BIBSYS National Library of the Netherlands ISNI

Harris, Jonathan, 1921-1997 Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel

VIAF ID: 60591287 (Personal)


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Open Section Close SectionWorks

Title Sources
Diversity in international communism: a documentary record, 1961-1963 National Library of the Netherlands
Drugged athletes: the crisis in American sports Library of Congress/NACO
The new terrorism: politics of violence Library of Congress/NACO
The rise of medical science... 1971 Library of Congress/NACO
Scientists in the shaping... 1971: Library of Congress/NACO
A statue for America: the first 100 years of the Statue of Liberty BIBSYS

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:60591287 (11)