Smith, David, praktische theologie, 1923-
Smith, David (1923- ).
Smith, David 1923- praktische theologie
VIAF ID: 3200159248458204870009 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms(3)
Title | Sources |
Christologie - systematisch und exegetisch (ang.) | |
God is new each moment | |
Golden Ophelia: a novel | |
The Gospel according to St John. Vol. 3 / Rudolf Schnackenburg. - Tunbridge, Wells, Kent, 1992. | |
The history of civilisation in North Madagascar | |
Johannesevangelium | |
Karl Rahner, an introduction to his theology | |
Karl Rahner: eine Einführung in sein theologisches Denken | |
Meditations: reflections on the Incarnation | |
A new Christology | |
The new era in religious communication | |
The Third Indochina war: the conflicts between China, Vietnam and Cambodia | |
Weinachtsmeditationen | |
The Zealots: investigations into the Jewish freedom movement in the period from Herod I until 70 A.D. | |
Zeloten. |