Virtual International Authority File


Lucas, Andrew RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland German National Library National Library of France

Andrew J. Lucas condensed matter physicist and professor Wikidata

Lucas, Andrew (Postdoctoral fellow in theoretical condensed matter physics) Library of Congress/NACO

VIAF ID: 103151352054852601976 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Absence of Disorder-Driven Metal-Insulator Transitions in Simple Holographic Models Wikidata
Breakdown of hydrodynamics below four dimensions in a fracton fluid Wikidata
Conformal field theories in a periodic potential: Results from holography and field theory Wikidata
Dyakonov-Shur instability across the ballistic-to-hydrodynamic crossover Wikidata
Dynamical Response near Quantum Critical Points. Wikidata
Emergent entropy production and hydrodynamics in quantum many-body systems Wikidata
An exotic quantum fluid in graphene Wikidata
Fast scrambling on sparse graphs Wikidata
Finite Speed of Quantum Scrambling with Long Range Interactions Wikidata
Holographic quantum matter, ©2018: RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Hydrodynamics of electrons in graphene Wikidata
Ising formulations of many NP problems Wikidata
Kinetic Theory of Electronic Transport in Random Magnetic Fields. Wikidata
Memory matrix theory of magnetotransport in strange metals Wikidata
Observation of the Dirac fluid and the breakdown of the Wiedemann-Franz law in graphene Wikidata
Operator Size at Finite Temperature and Planckian Bounds on Quantum Dynamics Wikidata
Phenomenology of nonrelativistic parity-violating hydrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions. Wikidata
Resistivity bound for hydrodynamic bad metals Wikidata
Scale-invariant hyperscaling-violating holographic theories and the resistivity of strange metals with random-field disorder Wikidata
Simple model for multiple-choice collective decision making Wikidata

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