Virtual International Authority File


Jacob Adriaenszoon Backer Wikidata

Backer, Jacob Adriaensz., 1608-1651 National Library of the Netherlands German National Library Vatican Library National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO

Backer, Jacob Adriaensz. (Dutch painter, 1608-1651) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Jacob Adriaensz Backer ISNI

Backer, J. A. 1608-1651 Jacob Adriaensz National Library of Russia

Backer, Jacob Adriaensz. (North Netherlandish painter, 1608-1651) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

Backer, Jacob Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale

Backer, Jakob Adriaensz RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Backer, Jacob Adriaenszoon, 1608?-1651 Sudoc [ABES], France

Backer, Jacob Adriaensz, 1609-1651 National Library of Portugal

VIAF ID: 66738300 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Bartholomeus Prevostius, remonstrants predikant te Amsterdam National Library of the Netherlands
Cortesã» Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga National Library of Portugal
Dominee Christiaan Hartzoeker National Library of the Netherlands
Dutch art and arch., 1600-1800, 1966: Library of Congress/NACO
Female nude, lying down, her face turned away National Library of the Netherlands
Female nude, sitting, looking National Library of the Netherlands
Jacob Backer (1608/9-1651): [ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstellingen "Jacob Backer, Rembrandts tegenpool", Museum Het Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, 29 november 2008 - 22 februari 2009 en "Der groβe Virtuose. Jacob Backer", Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aken, 11 maart - 7 juni 2009 National Library of the Netherlands German National Library National Library of Russia Sudoc [ABES], France
Jakob Adriaensz Backer: ein Rembrandtschüler aus Friesland RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Johannes Banning Wuyters, theoloog in Amsterdam National Library of the Netherlands
Knipselmap mei artikels oer en/of fan J.A. Backer National Library of the Netherlands
The Netherlandish painters of the 17th cent., 1970: Library of Congress/NACO
Niederländisches künstler-lexicon, 1906: Library of Congress/NACO
Portrait of the painter Jacob Backer, bust turned to the left National Library of the Netherlands
Portret van een man, waarschijnlijk Hendrik Gerard (1606-1679) Wikidata
Portret van een meisje met een handschoen in de hand Wikidata
Portret van Geertruida Hasselaer (1624-1696) Wikidata
Portret van Johannes Wtenbogaert, predikant en kerkhistorieschrijver National Library of the Netherlands Wikidata
Portret van onbekende vrouw Wikidata
Rebecca Schellingwou (1610-1667) Wikidata
[Recueil. Oeuvre de Jacob-Adriaensz Backer] National Library of the Netherlands German National Library National Library of France
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Vopiscus Fortunatus Plempius, heelkundig professor National Library of the Netherlands Vatican Library
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