Virtual International Authority File


James, George, 1906-1995 ISNI Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

James, George German National Library

George James American jazz saxophonist, clarinetist, and flautist Wikidata

VIAF ID: 63018131 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Ace of rhythms National Library of France
All of me National Library of France
Between the devil and the deep blue sea National Library of France
Big bands 1931-1932 National Library of France
Blue again National Library of France
Boston shuffle National Library of France
Bugle call rag National Library of France
Bye bye baby National Library of France
C. C. Rider National Library of France
Careless love National Library of France
Chinatown, my Chinatown National Library of France
Decatur street tutti National Library of France
Don't blame me National Library of France
Every woman's blues National Library of France
Georgia on my mind National Library of France
Goose grease National Library of France
I got rhythm National Library of France
Gotta see mama every night National Library of France
Home National Library of France
How come ya do me National Library of France
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal you National Library of France
Keepin' out of mischief now National Library of France
Kickin' the gong around National Library of France
Lawd, you made the night too long National Library of France
Lazy river National Library of France
Let's get together National Library of France
Little Joe National Library of France
Lonesome road National Library of France
Louis Armstrong plays and sings the great standards: 1928-1932. Sudoc [ABES], France
Love, you funny thing National Library of France
Melvin Smith - At his best German National Library
New tiger rag National Library of France
Original tuxedo rag National Library of France
Peepin' in the wrong key hole National Library of France
Red river blues National Library of France
Red wing National Library of France
Sau-sha stomp National Library of France
Since I fell for you: the essential Annie Laurie RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Sittin' on top of the world National Library of France
Somedy stole my gal National Library of France
Star dust National Library of France
Take me to the river National Library of France
Them there eyes National Library of France
This is jazz - Louis Armstrong German National Library Library of Congress/NACO
Till times get better National Library of France
When your lover has gone National Library of France
Wrap your troubles in dreams National Library of France
You can depend on me National Library of France

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