Virtual International Authority File


Smith, Joshua Library of Congress/NACO

Smith, Joshua 1731+ International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)

VIAF ID: 171194461 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Canaan International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
[Captain Joseph G. Robinson of Co. I, 9th Illinois Infantry Regiment and 4th Veteran Reserve Corps in uniform] Library of Congress/NACO
[caption title, p.228:] Swan Canaan CM Hymn 128|t|h Joshua Smith's Coll. Verse 3|d International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Chicago, as seen after the great conflagration, embracing the whole of the burned district as seen from an elevation in the southern boundary thereof Library of Congress/NACO
Divine hymns; or, Spiritual songs; for the use of religious assemblies and private Christians: being formerly a collection by Joshua Smith and others. Library of Congress/NACO International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Robotic persons: our future with social robots Library of Congress/NACO

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