Virtual International Authority File


Herrera Toro, Antonio José 1857-1914 Library of Congress/NACO ISNI

Antonio Herrera Toro artista venezolano Wikidata

Herrera Toro, Antonio (Venezuelan painter and writer, 1857-1914) Union List of Artist Names [Getty Research Institute]

VIAF ID: 33734181 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Antonio Herrera Toro, 1857-1914, 1996: Library of Congress/NACO
Una gota de rocío Wikidata
Margarita Poleo de Chating. Wikidata
Martín Tovar y Tovar Wikidata
Patio interior. Wikidata
Retrato de Mujer. Wikidata
Ricaurte en San Mateo. Wikidata

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:33734181 (5)