Virtual International Authority File


Lopes Rebello, Diogo, -1498 National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Catalonia Library of Congress/NACO

Rebelo, Diogo Lopes,?-1498 ISNI National Library of Portugal

Rebelo, Diogo Lopes, 14..-1498 Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of France

Lupi Rebello, Jacobus -1498 German National Library

Lopes Rebelo, Diogo, f. 1498 Vatican Library

Lopes Rebelo, Diogo -1498 German National Library

Diogo Lopes Rebelo Wikidata

VIAF ID: 83595361 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Assertionibus catholicis apostoli Pauli Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Portugal National Library of France
Dialogus sive Synonima Ysidori de homine et ratione, castigata per magistrum Jacobum Lupi National Library of France
Do Governo da República pelo Rei National Library of France National Library of Portugal Sudoc [ABES], France
Incipit Liber de republica magna, doctrina et eruditione refertus, necessarius... editus... per doctissimum virum Jacobum Lupi... National Library of France
De justitia commutativa. Vatican Library National Library of Catalonia
Prefacio clarissimi viri sacre theologie professoris magistri Iohannis Co[n]sobrini... in Libellu[m] de iustitia co[m]mutatiua... feliciter incipit National Library of Catalonia
De Republica gubernanda per regem Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Portugal National Library of France
Schatzkammer der Natur: Gründliche Erklärung Dreyer grossen Geheimnüssen/ Und erstlichen/ Die Extractio der spiritualischen Mumiae des Menschen/ und anderer Thier/ &c.... Zum andern/ Von dem grossen Mysterio Magico, des Baums Erkentnüß Gutes und Böses... Zum dritten/ Sonderbares jedoch Natürliches Arcanum durch Träume etwas zu erfahren. Von newen ans Liecht gebracht Durch Jacobum Lupium F.D. Sudoc [ABES], France
Synonyma de homine et ratione, seu Soliloquia. Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO
Synonymes Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Tractatus de productionibus personarum [in divinis] Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Portugal National Library of France
Tractatus fructus sacramenti cum figura de divisione virtutum Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France
Tractatus qui dicitur fructus sacramenti penitentie, editus per... Jacobum Lupi... National Library of France
Tratado das produções das pessoas (divinas) National Library of Portugal National Library of France

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