Virtual International Authority File


Leader     00000nz a2200037n 45 0
001     WKP|Q55755044  (VIAF cluster)  (Authority/Source Record)
003     WKP
005     20241120235801.0
008     241120nneanz||abbn n and d
035 ‎‡a  (WKP)Q55755044‏
024 ‎‡a  0000-0001-7499-3576‏ ‎‡2  orcid‏
024 ‎‡a  7402107243‏ ‎‡2  scopus‏
035 ‎‡a  (OCoLC)Q55755044‏
043 ‎‡c  GB‏
100 0 ‎‡a  Philipp Schneider‏ ‎‡c  researcher (ORCID 0000-0001-7499-3576)‏ ‎‡9  en‏
375 ‎‡a  1‏ ‎‡2  iso5218‏
400 0 ‎‡a  Philipp Schneider‏ ‎‡c  paléontologue britannique, spécialiste de l'analyse d'images‏ ‎‡9  fr‏
400 0 ‎‡a  P. Schneider‏ ‎‡c  Brits onderzoeker‏ ‎‡9  nl‏
400 0 ‎‡a  Philipp Schneider‏ ‎‡c  forsker‏ ‎‡9  nb‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's 3D scanning SAXS: a novel method for the assessment of bone ultrastructure orientation‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's A highly pneumatic middle Cretaceous theropod from the British Lower Greensand‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's A quantitative framework for the 3D characterization of the osteocyte lacunar system.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Advanced glycation end-products reduce collagen molecular sliding to affect collagen fibril damage mechanisms but not stiffness‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Altered lacunar and vascular porosity in osteogenesis imperfecta mouse bone as revealed by synchrotron tomography contributes to bone fragility‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Analysis of sintered polymer scaffolds using concomitant synchrotron computed tomography and in situ mechanical testing.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Effect of combined treatment with zoledronic acid and parathyroid hormone on mouse bone callus structure and composition.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Functional microimaging: an integrated approach for advanced bone biomechanics and failure analysis‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Image-based modelling of skeletal muscle oxygenation‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Imaging techniques for observing laminar geometry in the feather shaft cortex‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Inverse finite element modeling for characterization of local elastic properties in image-guided failure assessment of human trabecular bone‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Investigation of microvascular morphological measures for skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation by image-based modelling in three dimensions.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Modeling microdamage behavior of cortical bone.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Nanoindentation analysis of the micromechanical anisotropy in mouse cortical bone‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Nanostructure surveys of macroscopic specimens by small-angle scattering tensor tomography.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's New spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the European origins of Spinosauridae‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Phase contrast synchrotron radiation computed tomography of muscle spindles in the mouse soleus muscle‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Phase contrast tomography: An alternative approach‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Preparation and characterization of calibration standards for bone density determination by micro-computed tomography‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography at the nanoscale‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Quantifying intracortical bone microstructure: A critical appraisal of 2D and 3D approaches for assessing vascular canals and osteocyte lacunae‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Quantitative phenotyping of bone fracture repair: a review‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Regional diversity in the murine cortical vascular network is revealed by synchrotron X-ray tomography and is amplified with age‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Regulation of the Bone Vascular Network is Sexually Dimorphic‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Reptile-like physiology in Early Jurassic stem-mammals‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Serial FIB/SEM imaging for quantitative 3D assessment of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Simultaneous 3D visualization and quantification of murine bone and bone vasculature using micro-computed tomography and vascular replica.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Simultaneous visualisation of calcified bone microstructure and intracortical vasculature using synchrotron X-ray phase contrast-enhanced tomography.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography: model of the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map, reconstruction algorithm and angular sampling requirements‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Studying osteocytes within their environment.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's The importance of murine cortical bone microstructure for microcrack initiation and propagation‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's The importance of the intracortical canal network for murine bone mechanics‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Three-dimensional morphometry of strained bovine periodontal ligament using synchrotron radiation-based tomography.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Time-lapsed assessment of microcrack initiation and propagation in murine cortical bone at submicrometer resolution‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Towards quantitative 3D imaging of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Ultrastructural properties in cortical bone vary greatly in two inbred strains of mice as assessed by synchrotron light based micro- and nano-CT.‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's Ultrastructure Organization of Human Trabeculae Assessed by 3D sSAXS and Relation to Bone Microarchitecture‏
670 ‎‡a  Author's X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography for Nondestructive Three-Dimensional (3D) X-ray Histology‏
670 ‎‡a  wikidata authority control‏ ‎‡u|137891024‏
670 ‎‡a  wikidata authority control‏ ‎‡u‏
909 ‎‡a  (orcid) 0000000174993576‏ ‎‡9  1‏
909 ‎‡a  (scopus) 7402107243‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  nanoindentationanalysisofthemicromechanicalanisotropyinmousecorticalbone‏ ‎‡A  Nanoindentation analysis of the micromechanical anisotropy in mouse cortical bone‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  nanostructuresurveysofmacroscopicspecimensbysmallanglescatteringtensortomography‏ ‎‡A  Nanostructure surveys of macroscopic specimens by small-angle scattering tensor tomography.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  phasecontrastsynchrotronradiationcomputedtomographyofmusclespindlesinthemousesoleusmuscle‏ ‎‡A  Phase contrast synchrotron radiation computed tomography of muscle spindles in the mouse soleus muscle‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  newspinosauridsfromthewessexformationearlycretaceousukandtheeuropeanoriginsofspinosauridae‏ ‎‡A  New spinosaurids from the Wessex Formation (Early Cretaceous, UK) and the European origins of Spinosauridae‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  10raymicrocomputedtomographyfornondestructive3dimensional3d10rayhistology‏ ‎‡A  X-ray Micro-Computed Tomography for Nondestructive Three-Dimensional (3D) X-ray Histology‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  ultrastructureorganizationofhumantrabeculaeassessedby3dssaxsandrelationtobonemicroarchitecture‏ ‎‡A  Ultrastructure Organization of Human Trabeculae Assessed by 3D sSAXS and Relation to Bone Microarchitecture‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  ultrastructuralpropertiesincorticalbonevarygreatlyin2inbredstrainsofmiceasassessedbysynchrotronlightbasedmicroandnanoct‏ ‎‡A  Ultrastructural properties in cortical bone vary greatly in two inbred strains of mice as assessed by synchrotron light based micro- and nano-CT.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  towardsquantitative3dimagingoftheosteocytelacunocanalicularnetwork‏ ‎‡A  Towards quantitative 3D imaging of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  timelapsedassessmentofmicrocrackinitiationandpropagationinmurinecorticalboneatsubmicrometerresolution‏ ‎‡A  Time-lapsed assessment of microcrack initiation and propagation in murine cortical bone at submicrometer resolution‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  3dscanningsaxsanovelmethodfortheassessmentofboneultrastructureorientation‏ ‎‡A  3D scanning SAXS: a novel method for the assessment of bone ultrastructure orientation‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  highlypneumaticmiddlecretaceoustheropodfromthebritishlowergreensand‏ ‎‡A  A highly pneumatic middle Cretaceous theropod from the British Lower Greensand‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  quantitativeframeworkforthe3dcharacterizationoftheosteocytelacunarsystem‏ ‎‡A  A quantitative framework for the 3D characterization of the osteocyte lacunar system.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  advancedglycationendproductsreducecollagenmolecularslidingtoaffectcollagenfibrildamagemechanismsbutnotstiffness‏ ‎‡A  Advanced glycation end-products reduce collagen molecular sliding to affect collagen fibril damage mechanisms but not stiffness‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  alteredlacunarandvascularporosityinosteogenesisimperfectamouseboneasrevealedbysynchrotrontomographycontributestobonefragility‏ ‎‡A  Altered lacunar and vascular porosity in osteogenesis imperfecta mouse bone as revealed by synchrotron tomography contributes to bone fragility‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  analysisofsinteredpolymerscaffoldsusingconcomitantsynchrotroncomputedtomographyandinsitumechanicaltesting‏ ‎‡A  Analysis of sintered polymer scaffolds using concomitant synchrotron computed tomography and in situ mechanical testing.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  effectofcombinedtreatmentwithzoledronicacidandparathyroidhormoneonmousebonecallusstructureandcomposition‏ ‎‡A  Effect of combined treatment with zoledronic acid and parathyroid hormone on mouse bone callus structure and composition.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  functionalmicroimaginganintegratedapproachforadvancedbonebiomechanicsandfailureanalysis‏ ‎‡A  Functional microimaging: an integrated approach for advanced bone biomechanics and failure analysis‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  3dimensionalmorphometryofstrainedbovineperiodontalligamentusingsynchrotronradiationbasedtomography‏ ‎‡A  Three-dimensional morphometry of strained bovine periodontal ligament using synchrotron radiation-based tomography.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  importanceoftheintracorticalcanalnetworkformurinebonemechanics‏ ‎‡A  The importance of the intracortical canal network for murine bone mechanics‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  importanceofmurinecorticalbonemicrostructureformicrocrackinitiationandpropagation‏ ‎‡A  The importance of murine cortical bone microstructure for microcrack initiation and propagation‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  studyingosteocyteswithintheirenvironment‏ ‎‡A  Studying osteocytes within their environment.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  smallangle10rayscatteringtensortomographymodelofthe3dimensionalreciprocalspacemapreconstructionalgorithmandangularsamplingrequirements‏ ‎‡A  Small-angle X-ray scattering tensor tomography: model of the three-dimensional reciprocal-space map, reconstruction algorithm and angular sampling requirements‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  simultaneousvisualisationofcalcifiedbonemicrostructureandintracorticalvasculatureusingsynchrotron10rayphasecontrastenhancedtomography‏ ‎‡A  Simultaneous visualisation of calcified bone microstructure and intracortical vasculature using synchrotron X-ray phase contrast-enhanced tomography.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  simultaneous3dvisualizationandquantificationofmurineboneandbonevasculatureusingmicrocomputedtomographyandvascularreplica‏ ‎‡A  Simultaneous 3D visualization and quantification of murine bone and bone vasculature using micro-computed tomography and vascular replica.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  serialfibsemimagingforquantitative3dassessmentoftheosteocytelacunocanalicularnetwork‏ ‎‡A  Serial FIB/SEM imaging for quantitative 3D assessment of the osteocyte lacuno-canalicular network‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  reptilelikephysiologyinearlyjurassicstemmammals‏ ‎‡A  Reptile-like physiology in Early Jurassic stem-mammals‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  regulationofthebonevascularnetworkissexuallydimorphic‏ ‎‡A  Regulation of the Bone Vascular Network is Sexually Dimorphic‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  regionaldiversityinthemurinecorticalvascularnetworkisrevealedbysynchrotron10raytomographyandisamplifiedwithage‏ ‎‡A  Regional diversity in the murine cortical vascular network is revealed by synchrotron X-ray tomography and is amplified with age‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  quantitativephenotypingofbonefracturerepairareview‏ ‎‡A  Quantitative phenotyping of bone fracture repair: a review‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  quantifyingintracorticalbonemicrostructureacriticalappraisalof2dand3dapproachesforassessingvascularcanalsandosteocytelacunae‏ ‎‡A  Quantifying intracortical bone microstructure: A critical appraisal of 2D and 3D approaches for assessing vascular canals and osteocyte lacunae‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  imagebasedmodellingofskeletalmuscleoxygenation‏ ‎‡A  Image-based modelling of skeletal muscle oxygenation‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  ptychographic10raycomputedtomographyatthenanoscale‏ ‎‡A  Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography at the nanoscale‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  preparationandcharacterizationofcalibrationstandardsforbonedensitydeterminationbymicrocomputedtomography‏ ‎‡A  Preparation and characterization of calibration standards for bone density determination by micro-computed tomography‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  imagingtechniquesforobservinglaminargeometryinthefeathershaftcortex‏ ‎‡A  Imaging techniques for observing laminar geometry in the feather shaft cortex‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  inversefiniteelementmodelingforcharacterizationoflocalelasticpropertiesinimageguidedfailureassessmentofhumantrabecularbone‏ ‎‡A  Inverse finite element modeling for characterization of local elastic properties in image-guided failure assessment of human trabecular bone‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  phasecontrasttomographyanalternativeapproach‏ ‎‡A  Phase contrast tomography: An alternative approach‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  investigationofmicrovascularmorphologicalmeasuresforskeletalmuscletissueoxygenationbyimagebasedmodellingin3dimensions‏ ‎‡A  Investigation of microvascular morphological measures for skeletal muscle tissue oxygenation by image-based modelling in three dimensions.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
919 ‎‡a  modelingmicrodamagebehaviorofcorticalbone‏ ‎‡A  Modeling microdamage behavior of cortical bone.‏ ‎‡9  1‏
946 ‎‡a  b‏ ‎‡9  1‏
947 ‎‡a  GB‏ ‎‡9  1‏
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|150333021
996 ‎‡2  LC|no2016004751
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|067831109
996 ‎‡2  DNB|104306254
996 ‎‡2  DNB|133902846
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1278355995
996 ‎‡2  DNB|131684302
996 ‎‡2  DNB|116837039
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000417474026
996 ‎‡2  CAOONL|ncf10030081
996 ‎‡2  DNB|103158899X
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 79019307
996 ‎‡2  NTA|173989195
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000440943249
996 ‎‡2  LC|no 00045786
996 ‎‡2  BNF|17114444
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000076074111
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1243992778
996 ‎‡2  DNB|135537134
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000037412448
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 80047945
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000011763549
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|2052839
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|197721001
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|18539311X
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000407969738
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810545604705606
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|4058430
996 ‎‡2  DNB|134947894
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A003802970
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810550599305606
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000057075872
996 ‎‡2  BNF|12638265
996 ‎‡2  LC|nb2004303080
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|000000005742119X
996 ‎‡2  DE633|pe30055686
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1110054556
996 ‎‡2  J9U|987007317485205171
996 ‎‡2  BNF|13463732
996 ‎‡2  NSK|000385496
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810655921505606
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1033014737
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|263137260
996 ‎‡2  BNF|13038942
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|90845941
996 ‎‡2  LC|nb2003060229
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 85360081
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A003803440
996 ‎‡2  NUKAT|n 2003021081
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1258414740
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000425526391
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A013815418
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 95054635
996 ‎‡2  BNF|16163823
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1344630987
996 ‎‡2  J9U|987007402107805171
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|096674288
996 ‎‡2  NSK|000710893
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A012525015
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|6045396
996 ‎‡2  LIH|LNB:BTOC;=BE
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1036275159
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|227532945
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A012441808
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A017141891
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1055185070
996 ‎‡2  NTA|263659615
996 ‎‡2  DNB|135416779
996 ‎‡2  J9U|987007452086705171
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|104979399
996 ‎‡2  CAOONL|ncf10488920
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000116658315
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1333335520
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 98800597
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1243786841
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1047658860
996 ‎‡2  DNB|132080960X
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|13028134
996 ‎‡2  DNB|123412854
996 ‎‡2  LC|nb2008020796
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|116429941
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 82275253
996 ‎‡2  NTA|069883572
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1330453298
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|7076348
996 ‎‡2  DNB|104078650
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 2006065435
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000464131165
996 ‎‡2  DNB|189496614
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1287695035
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|168626047
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1252754914
996 ‎‡2  NTA|071759654
996 ‎‡2  DNB|123585244X
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1017796173
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000073294311
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1264602480
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1222509989
996 ‎‡2  BAV|495_171123
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000504686190
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|185807550
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|000000035335020X
996 ‎‡2  DNB|101277340X
996 ‎‡2  NTA|070363315
996 ‎‡2  DE633|pe30060828
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|12013672
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|095674128
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|000000003700572X
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A003803437
996 ‎‡2  NUKAT|n 2008080894
996 ‎‡2  BNF|12206416
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|176299661
996 ‎‡2  ICCU|CUBV167108
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000068587136
996 ‎‡2  DNB|122893697
996 ‎‡2  DNB|139578390
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000396502015
996 ‎‡2  SZ|1096336707
996 ‎‡2  NUKAT|n 2018290154
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1016521804
996 ‎‡2  CAOONL|ncf11619661
996 ‎‡2  LC|nb2012021160
996 ‎‡2  NTA|084865806
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1156543126
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|267122357
996 ‎‡2  LC|no2007003610
996 ‎‡2  DNB|137577680
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810622964305606
996 ‎‡2  DNB|116837047
996 ‎‡2  LC|n 2011051538
996 ‎‡2  SZ|1264602480
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|2129959
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000119516611
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1243839848
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810656295305606
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1302219812
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000026441892
996 ‎‡2  J9U|987007278662505171
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1096336707
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1043351604
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|127130608
996 ‎‡2  CAOONL|ncf10960165
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A011298215
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000409810261
996 ‎‡2  DNB|134657136
996 ‎‡2  NSK|000426199
996 ‎‡2  NTA|251999378
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000382520132
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1082530743
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A003803438
996 ‎‡2  NTA|353893846
996 ‎‡2  LIH|LNB:_o__u_5;=B5
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|000000004627012X
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000083381216
996 ‎‡2  CAOONL|ncf11317382
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1054167850
996 ‎‡2  DNB|137608969
996 ‎‡2  W2Z|13028134
996 ‎‡2  NTA|070140421
996 ‎‡2  RERO|A013818514
996 ‎‡2  NTA|412907070
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1141393271
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000375513102
996 ‎‡2  BIBSYS|11046696
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000038561429
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000409481787
996 ‎‡2  DNB|189533897
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|167502522
996 ‎‡2  J9U|987007314100905171
996 ‎‡2  BNF|16609845
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1026196817
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1206217065
996 ‎‡2  ISNI|0000000027952918
996 ‎‡2  BNF|15377006
996 ‎‡2  BNF|15377007
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1061318737
996 ‎‡2  SUDOC|161705405
996 ‎‡2  BNF|14546136
996 ‎‡2  PLWABN|9810532107105606
996 ‎‡2  PTBNP|1080644
996 ‎‡2  DBC|87097969685102
996 ‎‡2  DNB|1155251792
997 ‎‡a  0 0 lived 0 0‏ ‎‡9  1‏
998 ‎‡a  Schneider, Philipp‏ ‎‡2  DNB|137891024‏ ‎‡3  suggested‏ ‎‡3  standard number‏
998 ‎‡a  Schneider, Philipp‏ ‎‡2  SZ|137891024‏ ‎‡3  standard number‏