Virtual International Authority File


New Mexico Museum of Art (Museum of New Mexico) Sudoc [ABES], France

New Mexico Museum of Art ISNI Library of Congress/NACO Wikidata National Library of the Czech Republic German National Library BIBSYS

Museum of New Mexico, New Mexico Museum of Art Santa Fe, N.M. National Library of Lithuania

VIAF ID: 149320489 (Corporate)


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Title Sources
12th Annual Poetry Out Loud New Mexico state finals : Sunday March 12, 2017 Library of Congress/NACO
2017 New Mexico Poetry Out Loud recitation contest : St. Francis Auditorium, New Mexico Museum of Art. Library of Congress/NACO
Agnes Pelton : desert transcendentalist National Library of the Czech Republic BIBSYS
Flux, 2008: Library of Congress/NACO
Lines of thought : drawing from Michaelangelo to now BIBSYS
Lloyd Kiva New : a new century : the life and legacy of Cherokee artist and educator Lloyd Kiva New. Library of Congress/NACO

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:149320489 (11)