Virtual International Authority File


Segura Castro, Francisco. ISNI Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

Segura, Paco Library of Congress/NACO

VIAF ID: 162534567 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Cerro de San Esteban (Pantano de San Juan) National Library of Catalonia
El Goloso (Monte de el Pardo) : unidad didáctica National Library of Catalonia
Infraestructuras de transporte y crisis, 2012: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Spain
Líneas discontinuas (Documental) National Library of Catalonia
An Overview of the Spanish network of biosphere reserves : 1994 National Library of Catalonia
Las reservas de la biosfera Españolas : el territorio y su población : proyectos para un futuro sostenible = The Spanish biosphere reserves : their territory and population : projects for a sustainable future Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Spain National Library of Catalonia NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library

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