Virtual International Authority File


Francis, Philip, 1708?-1773 National Library of France German National Library National Library of Catalonia National Library of the Netherlands Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO ISNI BIBSYS National Library of Australia National Library of Spain National Library of Ireland National Library of Israel

Francis, Philip, ca. 1708-1773 RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Sweden

Francis, Philip Vatican Library

Francis, Philip 1708c-1773 International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)

Philip Francis Irish priest and translator (1708-1773) Wikidata

VIAF ID: 223591 (Personal)


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  • 500 0 _ ‎‡a  Cocoa-tree,‏ ‎‡d  1708-1773 Library of Congress/NACO
  • 551 _ _ ‎‡a  Dublin International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)

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Title Sources
Bref til konungen i England, ifrån auctoren til Wecko-skriften Junius. Öfwersättning. =Anon=. Stockholm, tryckt i kongl. finska boktryckeriet, hos Johan Arvid Carlbohm, 1770. National Library of Sweden
Carmen Seculare National Library of the Netherlands
Chearful Glee | To Apollo | Francis's Horace | Ode 31 | Book 1 International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Constantine, a tragedy... National Library of France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library and Archives Canada National Library of Ireland
English translations, from ancient and modern poems Library of Congress/NACO
Epodes National Library of the Netherlands
Eugenia, a tragedy... National Library of France German National Library Library of Congress/NACO RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Ireland
Horace. National Library of the Netherlands Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Ireland International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Instant let yonder youth impart International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Junius National Library of the Netherlands
A letter from a Right Honourable person : And the Answer to it, translated into verse, as nearly as the different Idioms of Prose and Poetry will allow. With notes historical, critical, political, etc. Library of Congress/NACO German National Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library and Archives Canada National Library of Ireland
A letter from the anonymous author of the letters versified to the anonymous writer of the monitor. Library of Congress/NACO German National Library National Library of Ireland
A letter from the Cocoa-Tree to the country-gentlemen. Library of Congress/NACO German National Library RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Ireland National Library of Israel
Letters National Library of the Netherlands
Memoirs of Sir Philip Francis, K.C.B. with correspondence and journals National Library of the Netherlands
Obras National Library of Spain
Odes, Epodes, etc., of Horace, translated... by Philip Francis,... and revised by H. J. Pye,... with occasional notes. - The Satires, Epistles, etc., of Horace, translated... by Philip Francis,... and revised by H. J. Pye,... National Library of France
Odes in Latin and English. The English version by Philip Francis BIBSYS National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Oeuvres complètes d'Horace, traduites en français et en prose par J. B. Monfalcon ; en vers espagnols par Burgos ; en vers italiens par Gargallo ; en vers anglais par Francis ; en vers allemands par Wieland et Voss (texte latin en regard)... suivies de traductions en vers français et d'imitations par divers poètes français et étrangers. Édition polyglotte publiée sous la direction de J.-B. Monfalcon,... National Library of France
Opere National Library of Sweden Vatican Library
Original minutes of the Governor-General and Council of Fort William on the settlement and collection of the revenues of Bengal, with a plan of settlement, recommended to the Court of directors in January, 1776. National Library of Sweden
A poetical translation of the Works of Horace, with the original text, and critical notes collected from his best Latin and French commentators National Library of France National Library of Catalonia National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Sweden Vatican Library National Library of Spain National Library of Ireland National Library of Israel
Satirae BIBSYS
See what horrid tempests rise International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Sweet muse who lov'st the virgin spring International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Tomorrow with its cares despise International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Warren Hastings and Philip Francis National Library of the Netherlands
When at Apollo's hallowed shrine International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Wherefore burn with vain desires International Inventory of Musical Sources (RISM)
Works... 4th edition National Library of France National Library of Israel
The works of Horace, tr. by Philip Francis, D. D. To whichis prefixed The life of the translator ... Library of Congress/NACO

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