Virtual International Authority File


Bruce, Lenny, 1925-1966 National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Spain National Library of Sweden German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of the Czech Republic National Library of Poland ISNI

Bruce, Lenny Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada National Library of Australia BIBSYS NII (Japan) National Library of Israel

Lenny Bruce American comedian and social critic (1925–1966) Wikidata

Bruce, Lenny 1926-1966 National Library of France

Schneider, Leonard Alfred (Lenny Bruce) Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale

ברוס, לני National Library of Israel

Bruce, Lenny, 1923-1964 National Diet Library, Japan

VIAF ID: 97705517 (Personal)


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Title Sources
airlines National Library of France
I am not a nut, elect me! Library of Congress/NACO
The Berkeley concert Library of Congress/NACO
Burlesque house National Library of France
Carnegie hall concert Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France
Christ and Moses National Library of France
clap National Library of France
El cómico del escándalo National Library of Spain
Cómo ser grosero e influir en los demás : memorias de un bocazas National Library of Spain
Dear Abby National Library of France
Dykes and faggots National Library of France
end National Library of France
Equality National Library of France
The essential Lenny Bruce; Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Sweden
flag and communism National Library of France
Four classic albums : + bonus tracks National Library of the Netherlands
Girl singing National Library of France
How to talk dirty and influence people Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Spain National Library of Sweden Sudoc [ABES], France xR Extended Relationships BIBSYS NII (Japan)
Howls, raps and roars Library of Congress/NACO
Internal revenue National Library of France
Interviews of our ... [Phonodisc] 1959. Library of Congress/NACO Library and Archives Canada
Introduction National Library of France
Irrécupérable National Library of France Sudoc [ABES], France RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Is out again Library of Congress/NACO
joke National Library of France
Judge saperstein decision National Library of France
Kennedy acceptance speech National Library of France
kidnap National Library of France
The kind of comedy I do isn't, like, going to change the world; but certain areas of society make me unhappy, and satirizing them - aside from being lucrative - provides a release for me National Library of the Netherlands
Konsten att vara fräck så det fäster : en självbiografi BIBSYS
Ku Klux Klan National Library of France
The law, language, and Lenny Bruce Library of Congress/NACO
Let the buyer beware Library of Congress/NACO
The midnight concert Library of Congress/NACO
Miracle on 5th Street National Library of France
Nightclubs National Library of France
On contemporaries National Library of France
On humor National Library of France
operation National Library of France
Pills National Library of France
Point of view National Library of France
Shelly Berman National Library of France
The sick humor of Lenny Bruce Library of Congress/NACO
Sound National Library of France
Stamp help out. Library of Congress/NACO
The story of Lenny what I was arrested for. Library of Congress/NACO
To is a preposition: come is a verb Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands
Togetherness Library of Congress/NACO
The trials of Lenny Bruce : the fall and rise of an American icon Library of Congress/NACO
Las Vegas tits and ass National Library of France
what's it mean National Library of France
White men can't wrap Library of Congress/NACO
Yatsura o shaberitaose National Diet Library, Japan
やつらを喋りたおせ! : レニー・ブルース自伝 NII (Japan) National Diet Library, Japan

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