Virtual International Authority File


Moore, John Howard, 1862-1916 German National Library National Library of Lithuania National Diet Library, Japan National Library of France

Moore, J. Howard (John Howard), 1862-1916 National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO

Moore, John Howard National and University Library in Zagreb

Moore, J. Howard 1862- ISNI

Moore, John Howard, 1862- National Library of the Netherlands

Moore, J. Howard (John Howard), b. 1862 National Library of Ireland

Moore, J. Howard (John Howard), dz. 1862 National Library of Latvia

Moore, J. Howard BIBSYS

J. Howard Moore American zoologist, philosopher, educator, and social reformer Wikidata

VIAF ID: 13811869 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Better-World Philosophy Wikidata National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Ireland
Bunmeijin no yabansei. National Diet Library, Japan
Divlji preostaci National and University Library in Zagreb
Fermented beverages; their effects on mankind Library of Congress/NACO
High school ethics ... Library of Congress/NACO
Humane teaching in schools National Library of the Netherlands National Library of Ireland
Law of biogenesis National Library of Latvia xR Extended Relationships Library of Congress/NACO
n86854614 National Diet Library, Japan
The new ethics Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS
Nikutai to seishin no keisei. National Diet Library, Japan
Onze voeding in het licht der Nieuwe Ethiek National Library of the Netherlands
Partnership. Library of Congress/NACO
Personal property Library of Congress/NACO
A race of somnambulists Library of Congress/NACO
Savage survivals, the story of the race told in simple language Library of Congress/NACO xR Extended Relationships BIBSYS National Library of France National and University Library in Zagreb
The universal kinship Library of Congress/NACO BIBSYS
De universeele verwantschap : een uiteenzetting van de evolutieleer van dier en mensch National Library of the Netherlands
Why I Am a Vegetarian Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO
文明人の野蛮性 National Diet Library, Japan
肉体と精神の形成 National Diet Library, Japan

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:13811869 (19)