Virtual International Authority File


Robinson, Jean National Library of the Netherlands NII (Japan) BIBSYS National Diet Library, Japan National Library of the Czech Republic ISNI National Library of Australia

VIAF ID: 8032149296213280670001 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Aandoeningen van de luchtwegen National Library of the Netherlands
Anamnese en lichamelijk onderzoek National Library of the Netherlands
Assessing your patients. National Diet Library, Japan
Chōkō to shōjō National Diet Library, Japan
Clinical pocket manual: signs and symptoms. National Diet Library, Japan
Combatting cardiovascular diseases skillfully. 2nd ed. National Diet Library, Japan
The diaconate in the English free Churches = Diakonatet i de engelske frikyrkorna BIBSYS
Documenting patient care responsibly NII (Japan)
Geneesmiddelentoediening National Library of the Netherlands
Giving cardiac care. National Diet Library, Japan
Giving emergency care competently. National Diet Library, Japan
Hart- en vaatziekten National Library of the Netherlands
Heelkunde National Library of the Netherlands
Implementing urologic procedures. National Diet Library, Japan
Intensive care National Library of the Netherlands
Kanja asesumento National Diet Library, Japan
Klachten en symptomen National Library of the Netherlands
Kyukyu kanja no kea. National Diet Library, Japan
Neurologische aandoeningen National Library of the Netherlands
Nursing critically ill patients confidently. 2nd ed. National Diet Library, Japan
Pediatrie National Library of the Netherlands
Performing G I procedures. National Diet Library, Japan
Principles of skin care : a guide for nurses and other health care professionals BIBSYS
Shinzō kekkan shikkan no kango National Diet Library, Japan
Shōkakei kea no jissai National Diet Library, Japan
Spoedeisende gevallen National Library of the Netherlands
Suguni yakudatsu kyūkyū kango National Diet Library, Japan
Tadashii taieki denkaishitsu no monitaringu. National Diet Library, Japan
Verloskunde en gynaecologie National Library of the Netherlands
Vocht- en elektrolytenbalans National Library of the Netherlands
Yoyaku chusha to yueki. National Diet Library, Japan
すぐに役立つ救急看護 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
心臓血管疾患の看護 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
与薬・注射と輸液 National Diet Library, Japan
徴候と症状 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
患者アセスメント National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
救急患者のケア National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
正しい心電図の読み方 NII (Japan)
正しい体液・電解質のモニタリング National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
消化系ケアの実際 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)
重症患者の看護 National Diet Library, Japan NII (Japan)

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