Prynne, William, 1600-1669
Prynne, William
William Prynne English lawyer, author, polemicist, and political figure
VIAF ID: 2540641 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a Prynne ‡b William ‡f 1600-1669
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William ‡d 1600-1669
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William, ‡d 1600-1669
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William, ‡d 1600-1669
- 100 1 _ ‡a Prynne, William, ‡d 1600-1669
- 100 0 _ ‡a William Prynne ‡c English lawyer, author, polemicist, and political figure
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (64)
5xx's: Related Names (3)
- 500 1 _ ‡a Burton, Henry ‡d 1578-1648
- 551 _ _ ‡a London ‡4 ortw ‡4
- 500 1 _ ‡a White, Matthew
Title | Sources |
Anti-Arminianisme | |
Anti-Arminianisme. Or The Chvrch of Englands old antithesis to new Arminianisme. : Wherein seven Anti-Arminian orthodox tenets, are evidently proved; their seven opposite Arminian (once Popish and Pelagian) errors, are manifestly disproved, to be the ancient, established, vndoubted doctrine of the primitive and nodern church of England; (as also of the primitive and present churches of Scotland, and Ireland:) : By concurrent testimony ofsundry ancient Brittish, English, Scottish, Irish authours and records, from the yeare of our Lord 430. till about the yeare 1440: and by the severall records and writers of these churches, from the beginning of reformation to this present: | |
Articles of impeachment and accusation, exhibited in Parliament, against Colonell Nathaniel Fiennes : touching his dishonorable surrender of the city and castle of Bristoll; by Clement Walker and William Prynne, Esquires. Together with a letter from Mr. Prynne to Colonell Fiennes | |
Articles of impeachment of high-treason : exhibited by the Commons of England, in a free Parliament, against Lieutenant-General Oliver Crumwel Esquire, Commissary-General Henry Ireton Esquire, Sir Hardresse Waller Knight and colonel, Colonel Pride, Colonel Hewson, Colonel Ewers, Cornet Joyce, Hugh Peters clerk, William Lenthal Esquire, Speaker, Sir Henry Mildmay Knight, Sir Peter Wentworth Knight of the Bath, Henry Martin, Cornelius Holland, and Thomas Scot, Esquires, Members of the House of Commons | |
Aurum reginæ, or, A compendious tractate and chronological collection of records in the Tower and Court of Exchequer concerning queen-gold evidencing the quiddity, quantity, quality, antiquity, legality of this golden prerogative, duty, and revenue of the queen-consorts of England | |
Breife memento to the present unparliamentary iunto : touching their present intentions and proceedings to depose and execute, charles steward, their lawfull king | |
Breife Memento to the present unparliamentary junto | |
Breve memento ad præsens non-parlamentarivm conventicvlvm. | |
A breviate of the life of William Laud, Arch-bishop of Canterbury | |
A breviate of the prelates intolerable usurpations, both upon the Kings prerogative royall and subjects liberties, [1637]: | |
A brief apologie for all non-subscribers, and looking-glasse for all apostate perjured prescribers & subscribers of the new engagement : wherein they may clearly behold their presidents, sin, horrour, punishment | |
Brief ... geschreven aen den generael Fairfax .. | |
Brief register, kalendar, and survey of the several kinds, forms of all Parliamentary writs | |
Brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all parliamentary writs. Part 3 | |
Brief register, kalendar and survey of the several kinds, forms of all Parliamentary writs. Part 4 | |
Brief register. Part 1 | |
A briefe suruay and censure of Mr Cozens his couzening deuotions : Prouing both the forme and matter of Mr Cozens his booke of priuate deuotions, or the houres of prayer, lately published, to be meerely popish: to differ from the priuate prayers authorized by Queene Elizabeth 1560. to be transcribed out of popish authors, with which they are here paralelled: and to be scandalous and preiudiciall to our Church, and aduantagious onely to the Church of Rome. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitij Lincolniensis | |
The case of the impeached lords, commons, and citizens : truely stated | |
Een corte waerschouwinghe, aen het tegen-woordighe on-parliamentarische rot betreffende haer ... voornemen en proceduren om, af-te-setten en te executeren Charles Stuaert ... | |
A declaration and protestation against the illegal, detestable, oft-condemned, new tax and extortion of excise in general; and for hops (a native incertain commodity) in particular | |
Determinatio de ablatione temporalium a clericis. | |
An enquiry into the genuineness of Prynne's "Defence of stage plays," &c. together with a reprint of the said tract, and also of Prynne's "Vindication." | |
An Exact abridgement of the records in the Tower of London from the reign of King Edward the Second unto King Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden in each kings reign and the several acts in every Parliament together with the names and titles of all the dukes, marquesses, earls, viscounts, and barons summoned to every of the said Parliaments | |
An Excellent receipt to make a compleat common-wealth-oleo, or (if you please) a new senate fitted to the English-man's palate | |
Foure serious questions of grand importance ... 1645?: | |
A full declaration of the true state of the secluded members case : in vindication of themselves, and their privileges, and of the respective counties, cities and boroughs for which they were elected to serve in Parliament, against the vote of their discharge, published in print, Jan. 5. 1659, by their fellow members | |
Full discovery of His Majesties extraordinary favours to, and protections of notorious papists, priests, Jesuits, against all prosecutions and penalties of the laws enacted against them | |
God no impostor nor deluder | |
Gospel plea (interwoven with a rational and legal) for the lawfulness & continuance of the ancient settled maintenance and tenthes of the ministers of the Gospel. Part 2 | |
Healthes: sicknesse. Or, A compendious and briefe discourse; prouing, the drinking, and pledging of healthes, to be sinfull, and vtterly vnlawfull vnto Christians : by arguments, Scriptures, fathers, moderne diuines, Christian authors, historians, councels; imperiall lawes and constitutions; and by the voyce, and verdict of prophane, and heathen writers: wherein all those ordinary obiections, excuses, or pretences which are made to iustifie, extenuate, or excuse the drinking, or pledging of healthes, are likewise cleared and answered. By William Prynne Gent. Hospitii Lincolniensis | |
Hidden works of darkness brought to public light | |
Hier, wat nievves ... 1637: | |
History of King John, King Henry III, and the most illustrious King Edward the I | |
Histrio-mastix ofte Schouw-spels treuspel, dienende tot een klaar bewijs van de onwetlijckheden der hedendaagsche comedien | |
Histriomastix | |
An humble remonstrance against the tax of ship-money lately imposed : laying open the illegality, injustice, abuses, and inconveniences thereof | |
Independency examined, unmasked, refuted by twelve new particular interrogatories : detecting both the manifold absurdities, inconveniences that must necessarily attend it, to the great disturbance of church, state, the diminution, subversion of the lawfull undoubted power of all Christian magistrates, parliaments, synods : and shaking the chiefe pillars wherewith its patrons would support it | |
A just and solemn protestation and remonstrance of the lord mayor, aldermen, sheriffs, common-councell-men, and other citizens and freemen of London : against two late ordinances of the Lords and Commons that now sit, for the choosing of common-councell-men and other officers within the city and liberties thereof ... which ordinances bear date the 18, and 20 of December, 1648 | |
Ein kurtzes Memento, an diese gegenwertige unparlamentarische Versamlung, andeutende ihr gegenwertiges Vorhaben und Proces, von der Absetzung und Execution Caroli Stewards, ihres rechtmässigen Königs | |
A legall vindication of the liberties of England, against illegall taxes and pretended Acts of Parliament lately enforced on the people: or, Reasons assigned by William Prynne of Swainswick in the county of Sommerset, Esquire, why he can neither in conscience, law, nor prudence submit to the new illegall tax or contribution of ninety thousand pounds the month : lately imposed on the kingdom, by a pretended Act of some commons in (or rather out of) Parliament | |
The Levellers levelled to the very ground : Wherein this dangerous seditious opinion and design of some of them; that it is necessary, decent, and expedient, now to reduce the House of Peeres, and bring down the Lords into the Commons House, to sit and vote together with them, as one House. And the false absurd, grounds whereon they build this paradox, are briefly examined, refuted, and laid in the dust | |
The Lords Supper briefly vindicated : and clearly demonstrated by Scripture and other authorities, to be a grace-begetting, soul-converting (as well as confirming) ordinance | |
Een memento ofte vermaninge, aen de over-gebleven lidtmaten, nu te West-minster sittende: maer niet naar parliaments wijs ... Waer in verklaert wordt: Dat alle hare proceduren, aen-gaende het deposeren ofte onthalsen van Carel Stvart ... on-wettelijck zijn ... | |
Minors no senators | |
A moderate apology against a pretended calumny : In answer to some passages in The preheminence of Parlement. Newly published by James Howell Esquire, one of the clerks of his Majesties most honourable Privy Councell. VVherein a reason is rendered, why The popish royall favourite stiled him, no friend to Parliaments, and a malignant. And the copy of a letter written by George Gage from Rome to King Iames, inserted, to manifest an agency between him and Rome, to procure the Popes dispensation for the Spanish match | |
Mount-Orgueil (1641) | |
Mount-Orgueil, or, Divine and profitable meditations : raised from the contemplation of these three leaves of natures volume 1. rockes, 2. seas, 3. gardens, digested into three distinct poems : to which is prefixed a poeticall description of Mount-Orgueil Castle in the Isle of Jersy | |
Mr. Prynnes demand of his liberty to the generall, Decemb. 26, 1648 with his answer thereto, and his declaration and protestation thereupon. | |
Nevves from Ipswich : discovering certaine late detestable practices of some dominiering lordly prelates, to undermine the established doctrine and discipline of our church, extirpate all oxthodox sincere preachers and preaching of Gods Word, usher in Popery, superstition and idolatry | |
Newes from Ipswich. | |
One sheet, or, If you will a winding sheet for the good old cause : in order to a decent funerall, in case of a second death | |
Oodtmoedighe requesten van Willem Prynne ... | |
Pendennis and all other standing forts dismantled | |
The perpetuitie of a regenerate mans estate : wherein it is manifestly proved by sundry arguments, reasons and authorities, that such as are once truly regenerated and ingrafted into Christ by a lively faith, can neither finally nor totally fall from grace ... | |
The petition of right of the free-holders and free-men of the kingdom of England : humbly presented to the Lords and Commons, their representatives and substitutes, from whom they expect a speedy and satisfactory answer, as their undoubted liberty and birth-right | |
A plea for Sr George Booth, and the Cheshire gentlemen : Briefly stated in a letter to Sir Arthur Hesillrigge | |
The re-publicans and others spurious good old cause, briefly and truly anatomized : To preserve our native country, kingdom, legal government, Church, parliaments, laws, liberties, privileges of Parliament, and Protestant religion from ruine, scandal, and perpetual infamy; to reform, reclaim all Jesuit-ridden seduced republicans, officers, soldiers, sectaries, heretofore, or now engaged in the prosecution of this misintituled good old cause, from any future pursute thereof, and engage them for ever to abominate it, as apparently tending to publike ruin, their own temporal and eternal condemnation, infamy, our religions reproach, in present and succeeding ages | |
A remonstrance and declaration of severall counties, cities, and burroughs against the unfaithfulness, and late unwarrantable proceedings of some of their knights, citizens, and burgesses in Parliament : with their dissents thereunto, and revocation and resumption of their power therein | |
A revindication of the anoynting and priviledges of faithfull subjects. Or, A briefe reply to an idle pamphlet, intituled, An answer and confutation of that groundlesse vindication of Psal. 105. 15. (touch not mine anoynted, and do my prophets no harme) from some trayterous exposition of schismaticks : declaring to the world, that this was spoken principally and peculiarly of kings, and not of inferiour subjects, &c. Wherein the insufficiency and ridiculousnesse this Answerers no-answer, is briefly demonstrated, the Vindication justified, and the text of Rom. 13. cleared from some misconstructions (against subjects taking up meere defensive armes in any cases) which the Answerer (out of Dr. Fernes Resolution of conscience, for want of matter of his own) hath thrust upon it, to delude some scrupulous consciences. With a briefe exhortation to peace, with truth, righteousnesse, and holinesse | |
Romes master-peece | |
Seasonable, legal, and historical vindication of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, properties, laws, government of all English freemen. Part 1-2 | |
Seasonable, legal, and historical vindication of the good old fundamental liberties, franchises, rights, properties, laws, government of all English freemen. Part 3 | |
A seasonable vindication of free-admission, and frequent administration of the Holy Communion to all visible church-members, regenerate or unregenerate : From the institution, precept, president of Christ himself; the doctrine, practice of the primitive Church, fathers, councils, Christians: the confessions, articles, records, chief writers of our own and other reformed churches: the dangerous consequents, effects, schisms arising from the disusage, infrequency, monopoly of this sacrament, to visible or real saints alone; and suspension of all others from it, till approved worthy upon trial. And that upon meer Anabaptistical, and papistical false principles, practices, (here discovered) unadvisedly embraced, imitated, asserted, exceeded by sundry over-rigid, reforming ministers; to our Saviours dishonour, our Churches great disturbance, their own, their peoples prejudice; and the common enemies, and seducers grand advantage | |
A seasonable vindication of the supream authority and jurisdiction of Christian kings, lords, parliaments, as well over the possessions as persons of delinquent prelates and churchmen, or, An antient disputation of the famous Bohemian martyr John Hus, in justification of John Wickliffs 17 article : proving by 43 arguments taken out of fathers, canonists, school-men, the supream authority and jurisidiction of princes, parliaments, temporal lords, and other lay-men, who have endowed the church with temporalities, to take away and alien the temporal lands and possessions of delinquent bishops, abbots and church-men, by way of medicine or punishment, without any sacrilege, impiety or injustice : transcribed out of the printed works of Iohn Hus, and Mr. Iohn Fox his acts and monuments printed London 1641, vol. I, p. 585, &c : with an additional appendix thereunto of proofs and domestick presidents in all ages, usefull for present and future times | |
Short demurrer to the Jewes long discontinued remitter into Englang | |
Signal loyalty and devotion of Gods true saints and pious Christians, towards their kings. | |
Six important quæres : propounded to the re-sitting Rump of the long Parliament, fit to be satisfactorily resolved by them upon the question, before they presume to act any further, or expect the least obedience from the free-born English nation, after so manie years wars and contests for the privileges, rights, and freedom of Parliaments, and their own liberties | |
A soveraign antidote to prevent, appease, and determine our unnaturall and destructive civill warres and dissentions : Wherein divers serious considerations tending to this purpose are propounded both to the King and subjects, the Parliaments and Sir Iohn Hothams proceedings at Hull and in the militia justified, Sr Iohn Hothams actions proved to be neither treason, felony, nor trespas, by the laws of the land, nor any just ground or cause at all for his Majestie to rayse an army, or a most unnaturall civill warre in his kingdome. With a most serious exhortation both to the King and subjects to embrace and preserve peace and abandon civill warres, with other matters worthy of consideration | |
Soveraigne power of parliaments and kingdomes. Part 2 | |
A speech concerning innovations in the church | |
A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber ... 1637: | |
The substance of a speech made in the House of Commons | |
Summary collection of the principal fundamental rights, liberties, proprieties of all English freemen | |
Summary reasons, humbly tendered to the most Honourable House of Peers by some citizens and members of London : and other cities, boroughs, corporations, and ports, against the new intended Bill for governing and reforming corporations | |
Sylloge variorum tractatuum Anglico quidem idiomate & ab Auctoribus Anglis conscriptorum | |
Ten considerable quæries concerning tithes : the present petitioners and petitions for their total abolition, as antichristian, Jewish, burdensom, oppressive to the godly, consciencious people of the nation; excited, incouraged thereunto by disguised Jesuits, popish priests, friers, and Romish emissaries, to starve, suppress, extirpate our protestant ministers, church, religion; and bring them all to speedy confusion | |
Theater and social emotion. (S.d.) | |
Three seasonable quaeres : proposed to all those cities, counties and boroughs, whose respective citizens, knights and burgesses have been forcibly excluded, uniustly eiected, and disabled to sit in the Commons house, by those now acting at Westminster | |
The title of kings proved to be jure divino, : and that King Charles II. was the rightful and lawful heir to the crown of England, and that the life of his father K. Charles I. was taken away unjustly, contrary to the Common Law, Statute Law, and all the Laws of England. In a Short Essay, written by W. Prynne Esquire. And published in the year 1660. And now reprinted, with a preface and postscript; and humbly proposed as an Antidote against the Poyson of Novel Doctrines | |
To the Right Honourable, the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commons of the City of London in common council assembled : the humble petition and address of the sea-men, and water-men in and about the said City of London | |
Truth triumphing over falshood, antiquity over novelty. Or, The first part of a just and seasonable vindication of the undoubted ecclesiasticall iurisdiction, right, legislative, coercive power of Christian emperors, kings, magistrates, parliaments, in all matters of religion, church-government, discipline, ceremonies, manners : summoning of, presiding, moderating in councells, synods; and ratifying their canons, determinations, decrees: as likewise of lay-mens right both to sit and vote in councells; ... In refutation of Mr. Iohn Goodwins Innocencies Triumph: my deare brother Burtons Vindication of churches, commonly called Independent: and of all anti-monarchicall, anti-parliamentall, anti-synodicall, and anarchicall paradoxes of papists, prelates, Anabaptists, Arminians, Socinians, Brownists, or Independents: whose old and new objections to the contrary, are here fully answered | |
Twelve considerable serious questions touching church government : sadly propounded (out of a reall desire of vnitie, and tranquillity in church and state) to all sober-minded Christians, cordially affecting a speedy setled reformation, and brotherly christian vnion in all our churches and dominions, now miserably wasted with civill vnnaturall wars, and deplorably lacerated with ecclesiasticall dissentions | |
The unbishoping of Timothy and Titus, 1636: | |
The unlovelinesse of lovelockes | |
VIII queries upon the late declarations of, and letters from, the army... | |
A vindication of the imprisoned and secluded Members of the House of Commons : from the aspersions cast upon them, and the majority of the House, in a paper lately printed and published: intituled, An humble answer of the Generall Councel of the officers of the Army under his Excellency Thomas Lord Fairfax, to the demands of the Honourable Commons of England in Parliament assembled: concerning the late securing or secluding some Members thereof | |
Vox populi: or The peoples humble discovery, of their own loyaltie, and His Maiesties ungrounded iealousie | |
Whole triall of Connor Lord Macguire | |
William Prynne a study in puritanism | |
Works. Selections. 1655 | |
ヒストリオマスティクス |