Virtual International Authority File


James, F. L. (Frank Linsly), 1851-1890 National Library of Israel National Library of Ireland National Library of Australia Vatican Library Library of Congress/NACO

James, Frank Linsly, 1851-1890 Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France

James, Frank Linsly RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

James, F. L. (Frank Linsly) NII (Japan)

Frank Linsly James British explorer (1851-1890) Wikidata

Frank Linsly James ISNI

James, F. L., 1851-1890 Sudoc [ABES], France

VIAF ID: 106970476 (Personal)


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Title Sources
The unknown horn of Africa : an exploration from Berbera to the Leopard River RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Wikidata Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Ireland National Library of the Netherlands Vatican Library
The wild tribes of the Soudan : an account of travel and sport chiefly in the Basé country, being personal experiences and adventures during three winters spent in the Soudan NII (Japan) Sudoc [ABES], France Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel National Library of Ireland National Library of the Netherlands Vatican Library

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