Virtual International Authority File


Carter, W. Craig. NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library BIBSYS German National Library ISNI National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO

W. Craig Carter American materials scientist, engineer and academic Wikidata

W. Craig Carter NII (Japan)

Carter, W. Craig, 1961- National Library of the Czech Republic

Carter, Craig W. Sudoc [ABES], France

VIAF ID: 85547436 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Aqueous semi-solid flow cell: demonstration and analysis Wikidata
Branching mechanisms in surfactant micellar growth Wikidata
Calculating van der Waals-London dispersion spectra and Hamaker coefficients of carbon nanotubes in water from ab initio optical properties Wikidata
Capillary instability in nanowire geometries Wikidata
Combining phase-field crystal methods with a Cahn-Hilliard model for binary alloys Wikidata
Continuum modelling and representations of interfaces and their transitions in materials Wikidata
Controlled and rapid ordering of oppositely charged colloidal particles Wikidata
A diffuse interface model of interfaces: Grain boundaries in silicon nitride Wikidata
Effect of charge separation on the stability of large wavelength fluctuations during spinodal decomposition Wikidata
Electroactive-Zone Extension in Flow-Battery Stacks Wikidata
Exploring for 3D photonic bandgap structures in the 11 f.c.c. space groups. Wikidata
Four questions about triple lines Wikidata
Fundamental aspects to localize self-catalyzed III-V nanowires on silicon Wikidata
Gemini: Engaging Experiential and Feature Scales Through Multimaterial Digital Design and Hybrid Additive–Subtractive Fabrication Wikidata
Grain boundary transitions in binary alloys Wikidata
Growth of nanowire arrays from micron-feature templates Wikidata
Heterotwin Zn3P2 superlattice nanowires: the role of indium insertion in the superlattice formation mechanism and their optical properties Wikidata
Ionic colloidal crystals: Ordered, multicomponent structures via controlled heterocoagulation Wikidata
Kinetics of materials, 2005: NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library BIBSYS Wikidata German National Library Sudoc [ABES], France National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO
A low-dissipation, pumpless, gravity-induced flow battery Wikidata
Maximizing Energetic Efficiency in Flow Batteries Utilizing Non-Newtonian Fluids Wikidata
Mechanism and Kinetics of Li2S Precipitation in Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Wikidata
Microstructural Modeling and Design of Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Wikidata
Modeling of internal mechanical failure of all-solid-state batteries during electrochemical cycling, and implications for battery design Wikidata
Morphology of grain growth in response to diffusion induced elastic stresses: cubic systems Wikidata
Nanometer-scale wetting of the silicon surface by its equilibrium oxide Wikidata
Numerical analysis of the shapes and energies of droplets on micropatterned substrates Wikidata
Percolation of diffusionally evolved two-phase systems Wikidata
Polysulfide flow batteries enabled by percolating nanoscale conductor networks. Wikidata
Quantitative analysis of anisotropic edge retraction by solid-state dewetting of thin single crystal films Wikidata
Questioning liquid droplet stability on nanowire tips: from theory to experiment Wikidata
Relating atomistic grain boundary simulation results to the phase-field model Wikidata
A review of wetting versus adsorption, complexions, and related phenomena: the rosetta stone of wetting Wikidata
The selected works of John W. Cahn, c1998: BIBSYS National Library of Israel Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)
Semi-Solid Lithium Rechargeable Flow Battery Wikidata
Shape-controlled nanopores in single crystals Wikidata
A simple model of fully-faceted grain growth and coarsening with non-linear growth laws Wikidata
A stochastic model of damage accumulation in complex microstructures Wikidata
Structure predictions: The genetics of grain boundaries Wikidata
Thermodynamic phase-field model for microstructure with multiple components and phases: The possibility of metastable phases Wikidata
Thermodynamically consistent variational principles with applications to electrically and magnetically active systems Wikidata
Wetting dynamics: Spreading of metallic drops Wikidata

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