Virtual International Authority File


Russell, Gerald F. M. (Gerald Francis Morris) National Library of Israel Library of Congress/NACO NII (Japan)

Russell, Gerald Francis Morris 1928-.... National Library of France ISNI

Russell, Gerald F. M. BIBSYS National and University Library in Zagreb

Gerald Russell psychiatrist (1928–2018) Wikidata

Russell, Gerald RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland

Russell, Gerald Francis Morris National Library of the Netherlands

Russell, Gerald F. M. (Gerald Francis Morris), 1928-2018 National Library of the Czech Republic

Russell, G. F. M. (Gerald Francis Morris) National Library of Australia

VIAF ID: 56698299 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Chemical analysis in photography NII (Japan) RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland
Handbook of psychiatry BIBSYS
The Neuroses and personality disorders, 1983: Library of Congress/NACO National Library of the Netherlands National and University Library in Zagreb National Library of France
The training of psychiatrists, proceedings of the Conference on Postgraduate Psychiatric Education, 6th-8th March, 1969, held under the auspices of the Royal Medico-Psychological Association and the Association for the Study of Medical Education at the Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London, S.E.5; Library of Congress/NACO

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:56698299 (16)