Virtual International Authority File


Robinson, Henry, 1605?-1664? German National Library National Library of Ireland Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Australia National Library of Israel National Library of France ISNI

Henry Robinson English merchant and writer Wikidata

Robinson, Henry National Library of the Netherlands

VIAF ID: 46750325 (Personal)


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Title Sources
The araignement of Mr. Persecution : presented to the consideration of the House of Commons, and to all the common people of England wherein he is indicted, araigned, convicted, and condemned of emnity against God, and all goodnesse, of treasons, rebellion, bloodshed, &c. and sent to the place of execution. In the prosecution whereof, the Jesuiticall designes, and secret encroachments of his defendants, Sir Symon Synod, and the John of all Sir Johns, Sir Jonh [sic] Presbiter, upon the liberty of the subject id detected, and laid open, by reverand yongue Martin Mar-Preist, son to old Martin the Metrapolitane [i.e.., Richard Overton]. This is licensed, and printed according to holy order, but not entered into the Stationers monopole. National Library of Ireland
Certain considerations in order to a more speedy, cheap, and equall distribution of justice throughout the nation ... 1651: National Library of Ireland Library of Congress/NACO
Certain proposalls in order to the peoples freedome and accomodation in some particulars. Library of Congress/NACO
England's safety, in trades encrease. National Library of France Library of Congress/NACO
Liberty of conscience, or, The sole means to obtaine peace and truth : not onely reconciling His Majesty with his subjects, but all Christian states and princes to one another with the freest passage for the gospel. Very seasonable and necessary in there distracted times, when most men are weary of war, and cannot finde the way to peace. Library of Congress/NACO

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