Virtual International Authority File


Gray, James Martin RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland ISNI Library of Congress/NACO National Library of Israel

Gray, James Martin, 1930-.... National Library of France National Library of Poland NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library Sudoc [ABES], France

Gray, J.M. (James Martin) National Library and Archives of Québec National Library of the Netherlands

Gray, J. M. (James Martin), 1930- National Library of Sweden Library and Archives Canada National Library of Australia

Gray, J. M. BIBSYS

VIAF ID: 97864285 (Personal)


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Title Sources
Applications of quaternary research BIBSYS
Blues for bird National Library of Poland Library and Archives Canada Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Death of Villeneuve and other poems Library and Archives Canada
A history of the Gambia BIBSYS
HSLA steels: metallurgy and applications : proceedings of an International Conference on HSLA Steels '85, 4-8 November 1985, Beijing, China BIBSYS
Idylls of the king RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland National Library of Sweden National Library of the Netherlands National Library of France NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library and Archives of Québec Sudoc [ABES], France BIBSYS Library of Congress/NACO
Jackson Pollock : memories arrested in space Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France
Man and myth in Victorian England, Tennyson's "The coming of Arthur" RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland Library of Congress/NACO Sudoc [ABES], France
The man who best drew women Library and Archives Canada
Modigliani Library of Congress/NACO
The school of Pythagoras <Merton Hall> BIBSYS
Serialism in the Idylls : songs Library of Congress/NACO
Studies in the lateglacial of North-West Europe : including papers presented at a symposium of the Quaternary Research Association held at University College London, January 1979 BIBSYS
Studies in the Scottish Lateglacial environment BIBSYS
Tennyson's Doppelgänger Balin and Balan Library of Congress/NACO National Library of France
Tennyson's Idylls : cyclic imagery and syntax Library of Congress/NACO
Thro the vision of the night, c1980: Library and Archives Canada NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library National Library and Archives of Québec

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Open Section Close Section History of VIAF ID:97864285 (21)